~E i g h t e e n~

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Who else has a fear of doctors? Dentists are my absolute nightmare!

Greyson POV
We were trying to appear less threatening by standing on the opposite side of the room but I doubt it helped as I saw her eyes widen in alarm at the sight of us.

She was just as beautiful as I had seen her last, but something was wrong. Her arms were crossed over her stomach as if she was protecting it and she seemed to be overly exhausted.

"It's okay sweetheart, you can come in, we aren't going to hurt you. Will you step away from the door a little bit?" Hayden coaxed.

I couldn't help but chuckle when she only moved an inch from the door. Her eyes shot to me and I saw a mischievous smile pass through her face before it was covered up and her emotions were masked.

Smirking, Hayden tried again. "How about you come sit on the bed for us?"

"No thank you" she responded, glancing at me again. Her voice was void of any confidence but she didn't stutter, which was an improvement. Maybe she wasn't as scared?

This time both Hayden and Hudson let out a laugh as I smiled brightly. Amusement passed through her face before it was hidden by a straight face. I was glad that she was feeling like she could joke around with us and it made me even happier to see she was amused as well. I could tell that she wasn't acting like herself but I wanted whatever this was to last.

"Okay then. Why don't you tell us what you would like to do then?" Hudson offered, a smile gracing his face.

She cocked her head to the side, watching us innocently. "I l-leave and go back t-to class." She suggested, stuttering slightly as her nerves were setting in. Her head ducked down as her face glowed red.

Hayden frowned. "Sweetie everyone in this room wants what's best for you. We think it's in your best interest to stay with us for a little while. Do you think you can do that for us?" He tried to reason with her. He wasn't telling her the full story just yet so that she wouldn't try to run right out the door.

"Why? I-I'm fine" she replied back, seemingly confused. I could see her struggling to breathe and it made me wonder if something had happened to her ribs for her to be cradling them so carefully.

"Do you remember the last time we spoke Amara? We told you about the physical that had to be done...do you remember that?" I spoke up, keeping my tone gentle.

Her face visibly paled, recognition flashing through her.

"We don't want to make you panic, but we have the consent we need from your parents, and you have been excused from school already as well. This can't be avoided any longer" Hudson informed her, speaking softly when he saw the tears welling up in her eyes.

My arms itched to hold her and my heart clenched when I saw the fear in her eyes.

"P-please n-no" she pleaded, her breathing picking up by the second.

"Amara sweetie, look at me" Hayden spoke firmly, catching her eyes and taking a small step closer to her. "Nothing is happening right now. We have to take a short drive before we even get to the clinic. There is nothing to fear right now, okay?"

That seemed to calm her slightly because she took a couple big deep breaths and meekly nodded.

"There we go, just like that. Good girl" Hayden praised once he saw her calm.

This was the exact reason why he worked best with children; he knew how to reason with them in a simple way so that panic attacks could be avoided if possible.

"Do you think we can take a short drive to our clinic?" Hudson asked, moving from his spot against the wall.

After another big deep breath, she bravely nodded and waited for us to move.

"Awesome, let's head to the car then."
I watched as she began to tremble as Hayden parked the car in the empty parking lot. Because Hayden and Hudson both took the day off, the clinic was closed for the day, leaving the place empty.

I smiled reassuringly at her and waited for her to climb out of the car. I hated that she was scared and I wish I could take her fear away so that she wouldn't have to suffer any longer. She shouldn't fear anyone, especially people as trusted as the brothers were.

I noticed she winced getting out of the car and I know the other two saw it as well. Hudson furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at me, getting a nod of confirmation in response.

"Okay let's head inside shall we?" Hayden announced, holding the door open for the rest of us. She dragged her feet walking through the door and we could all feel the hesitation coming from her.

But as soon as we stepped inside, I could see Amara's eyes widen in awe as she took in all of the decorations and colorful furniture. Hayden and Hudson wanted their patients to be comfortable in the space and they definitely accomplished that goal. The entire room was a pastel shade of orange and everywhere you looked a new color appeared.

"This is.....this is where you all w-work?" Amara wondered aloud, touching a fuzzy pink pillow.

We all exchanged mega watt smiles, excited she was excited. I loved seeing a smile on her face, she needed to smile more often.

"Yep, we actually own this place. We started this clinic to help kids like you. Do you like it?" Hayden asked, already knowing the answer.

"Like it? It's.....it's amazing!" She exclaimed, walking to all of the toy areas.

"I'm glad you like it. How about this, I'll make you a deal, if you come get a physical and be really brave for us, we can spend as much time as you want in here afterwards" Hayden offered, hoping it would work.

I could see the wheels spinning in her head as she thought about the offer.


Listen I know its inaccurate but its just a story.....

Listen I know its inaccurate but its just a story

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