~T e n~

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*continuation of last chapter

3rd Person POV
"She promised me"

"My guess is that she knew you wanted to take her to the clinic and purposely didn't show up, hoping you would forget" Hudson added.

"Well I'm not forgetting anytime soon so she can forget that idea" Greyson smirked.

"Can we talk about her behavior for a minute? 'Cause I have a feeling that there is something bigger going on" Hayden interjected, glancing at both of them.

"Well we know she has major anxiety from her panic attack and the rest of her nervous tics, what else are you talking about?" Greyson asked.

"Well have either of you noticed that she will scratch or rub her wrist when she gets anxious? I think there might be an underlying issue of self harm" Hayden says, thinking hard.

"I do agree with you, I think something is going on but not just that...have either of you noticed how small she is? We might also be dealing with malnourishment" Hudson notes, the doctor in him taking over.

"Yeah she's gotta be what? Hundred pounds or less? And with her height, she's gotta be underweight. She's like 5'2" Greyson adds in.

They all glance at each other with a knowing look.

"God...what have we gotten ourselves into?" Hayden sighed, rubbing his face.

The other two sighed sadly, feeling a strange attachment to the girl that they all have only met a couple of times.

"Okay so what are we going to do about it? It's not like we can confront her or her parents with our assumptions" Greyson wondered aloud.

"Well maybe not her parents...but what about her? I mean Greyson works at the same school, why not use that to our advantage?"

"What do you want me to do? I'm the school doctor, it's not like I have much authority." Greyson reasoned.

"What if both of us came into the school with you and we all talk to the principal? We can tell him that she needs to be excused because of doctors orders." Hayden responded, glancing at Hudson, who had his head in his hands.

"That might just work...but all three of us will scare her if we are in a small room waiting for her arrival" Hudson added.

"What if we start with just me and then you two can come in when I tell you? I know she will freak out when she sees me but if all three of us are in there...there's no telling what would happen" Greyson suggested.

"That's a good idea Grey. But what are we going to do when we get her in the room? She's not going to agree to any testing"

All three glanced at each other.

"Okay well all three of us are going to be there, should we just attempt to do a basic exam?" Hayden wondered.

Hudson shook his head. "No we can't do that until she's comfortable. We need to just talk to her and see what we can get out of her."

"We get it Hud, you're a shrink, but we need an actual plan instead of 'talking'" Hayden laughed while Hudson rolled his eyes at his older brother.

"Okay smartass what do you suggest then?" Hudson taunted.

Rolling his eyes, Hayden rested his head in his hands. "I'm not a smartass" he mumbled.

"Quit it you two" Greyson scolded, "we have a plan to come up with."

"Okay so she needs to feel comfortable with us right? So let's start off by introducing ourselves and then explain when we saw her and who we are" Hudson suggested.

The other two nodded in agreement.

"And then from there, if she wants to, she can tell us a little bit about herself" he continued.

"That might work. But she has also already seen all of us somewhere so that might make her a bit suspicious" Hayden added.

"True, but we have to try" Greyson insisted.

"Okay so final plan is to approach her at school tomorrow?" Hayden confirmed.

The other two nodded. "Then our family meeting is over" Hayden sighed, slumping back into the couch.

The other two relaxed, Hudson closing his eyes before reopening them a couple seconds later.

"Guys what's going to happen if we find out that she isn't safe with her parents?" Hudson asked, feeling slight hope in his chest as he made eye contact with his brother.

Hayden took a deep breath, knowing what his brother was thinking.

Let me know your thoughts! Hope you enjoyed all three chapters!

Let me know your thoughts! Hope you enjoyed all three chapters!

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