~T w e n t y - t h r e e~

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Any predictions??

Amara POV
"What is it?" I whisper, scared of what they were going to say next. Were they going to kick me to the curb?

"I want you to know that whatever you decide, we will support you no matter what" Hudson assured. What could they possibly be talking about?

That just worried me more, what was so important that they had to be so serious?

"Okay" I say hesitantly, purely confused.

"With your permission Amara, I want to become your legal guardian. I want to adopt you sweetheart" Hayden stated slowly as if he was waiting for me to explode.

I gaped at him, feeling the blood drain from my face. He what?

I blinked at his nervous figure. Adopt? Me? Why?

"Why?" I squeaked, my throat unable to make coherent sentences.

He chuckled at my question. "At least that's not an immediate no. To answer your question, you are a bright, kind, selfless girl that needs a better home, and I believe that we can give that to you. We want you in a safe home with people who care about you, and we can be those people for you."

My face flushed with color and I dropped my head in embarrassment. I was none of those things he mentioned and I'm not sure why they don't see that.

"We?" I wondered aloud. Did he have a wife I didn't know about?

"Yes we. Meaning me, Hudson, and Greyson. I would take full custody of you, but the three of us co-own a flat, meaning you would be around Hudson and Greyson as well" Hayden answered, gesturing to the other two.

I would be alone with the three of them all the time, not to mention that they are all doctors. I'm at a complete crossroad. On one hand, my heart is telling me to go with them and I'll be safe, but on the other hand, my brain is telling me to resist and not let anyone in. Especially if they are the type of people who have hurt me in the past. My trust circle has been very limited for a very long time, only consisting of my good friend and the old nurse that use to work at the school, so I feel very hesitant to trust these three men.

I raise my head to see an expectant look on all of their faces for my answer. I look away, avoiding their stares that make me feel conflicted. I fiddled with my fingers as I mulled it over.

"Hudson, can you and Greyson go get some coffees?" Hayden asked in an odd tone.

"Sure, Amara do you want anything?" Hudson asked, standing along with Greyson.

I shook my head slowly and they silently left the room, leaving me with the older Shaw brother. Nervousness filled my stomach and I refused to meet his gaze.

"Sweetheart, we only know a small amount of what you have gone through, but we can only hope that you can trust us enough to tell us when you're ready. We would never want to make you uncomfortable, and if living with us does that, then we can try to find a nice home for you to go to, but we want to be that home for you" He explained, making me feel a warm sensation in my chest.

"From what we have seen from afar, you are dealing with some things that you shouldn't have to deal with alone. From the moment I saw you with your family, I knew you were unhappy, and I wanted to help but I couldn't. I can help this way. Please Amara, let us in, trust me, you won't ever be unhappy again" he pleaded, his face softening at the tears in my eyes.

No one had ever been so attentive to my life before and no one ever realized I was unhappy with a single glance. I was taken aback by the softness in his voice and my heart pulled at his caring nature.

"You d-don't want t-to hurt me?" It sounded childish, but I needed to hear him say it, whether it was true or not.

"No Angel, me nor anyone else will ever hurt you intentionally. I promise you will always be safe with us no matter what" he answered, looking at me with hope in his eyes.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself to make one of the biggest decisions of my life. They can't be worse than my own parents right?

They haven't hurt me yet...

They've been nothing but nice, maybe a little too nosey, but...

They want to help me...

I should say yes right?

"Pinky p-promise?"

It's at these times that I become too stressed to think rationally that my inner child makes my decisions.

He grinned brightly, linking his pinky with my outstretched one. "Does that mean I can adopt you?"

Taking another breath, I let out a shaky "yes".

He gave me a full blown smile, standing from his previous position. "Thank you so much sweetheart, you will have a better life, I promise you that!"

It was in that second that the other two walked back in through the door. They glanced from me to Hayden and back to me before Hudson let out a whoop of joy and Greyson fist pumped the air. They laughed at their own antics and Hayden went to give them both hugs.

"Congratulations to the both of you" Greyson exclaimed, patting Hayden on the back.

"Thank you for trusting us Amara, it means a lot to all of us" Hudson added, speaking softly.

"What h-happens n-now?" I ask nervously, pulling at the skin on my arms.

"Well Angel that's what we have to discuss."

Sorry not sorry for the cliff hangers!! :)

Sorry not sorry for the cliff hangers!! :)

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