Chapter 4

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(This is what Jacklyn's wearing btw)

"Boredness.....Boredness......Booorednesssss." I mumbled into my knees, I heard a chuckle from Riley. "I couldn't exactly find Bellamy....But I found Wells and Murphy.....kinda kill each other...Well Murphy trying to kill Wells." Riley said, making me jerk my head away from my knees and look at her. "Wait....What?!" I snapped, Riley shrugged. "Why didn't you tell me this right the moment you got back!?" I growled, biting her shoulder gently. Riley smacked me away, softly though. "What?!?! Why'd you bite me?" She yelped in laughter, rubbing her shoulder. "Because you didn't tell me earlier."

"Oh whatever!"

"God, why did I ever be your friend." I joked, smirking. Riley laughed too, watching the others make the wall, which we were supposed to be helping with, but weren't.

"Aren't we supposed to be helpin with that?" I mused, pointing towards the guys and girls making the wall. "Yeah, but......I mean...We just got minutes ago."

Riley responded, a grin forming on her pretty face. I continued smiling, feeing a breeze of wind blow.

"Hey, did you see Clarke and Jasper and them in that little group, talking?"

I turned to Riley, my eyes squinted in confusion. "Yeah, Clarke's planning to go to Mt. Weather." Riley answered, raising her eyebrows. I turned my head to a random direction and saw Clarke and all of the people, including Jasper, Walking out of the makeshift camp. I nodded to Riley, she gave me a shake of her head that meant no, but I didn't listen. I smashed into Clarke because I was running to fast.

Clarke whipped around and she opened her mouth when she saw me on the ground, now covered in dirt. Jasper immediately helped me up, I gave him a thankful nod. Clarke's eyes were alit with fury and annoyance. "What?!" She snapped, which didn't bother me. "Make it six on this little adventure here, because I'm coming with you guys." I smirked, wiping the dirt off. Clarke seemed to know that she couldn't send me back...more likely get me to go back so she let me go. I slowed down to where I was pace with Octavia, who was just in front of Jasper, who I noticed was looking at my butt. I stopped for a moment, kicked his shin with the back of my boot and knew that stopped him, I saw Octavia giggle and Monty gave me a wink, Finn and Clarke just kept on walking without any notice.

Then Octavia grabbed a flower from a bush and put it in her hair, making herself even more prettier. Monty and Jasper stated something siencey that I didn't catch that apparently had something to do with the flower because Octavia quickly threw it back out of her hair, making it crushed. I laughed quietly, I looked back and saw that Jasper was watching the back of my head and his eyes were glinted with something that I couldn't tell what it was but he had a small grin on his face.

Then Clarke spun around and snapped at all of us. "Come on guys, can't you keep up?" Finn came back at her. "Come on, Clarke, how do you block all of this out?" He asked, all of us looked at Clarke. "Well, it's simple. You wonder, why haven't we seen any animals. Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us." I squinted my eyes, knots starting to tie in my stomach. "Sure is pretty though.....Now come on." Clarke finsihed, leaving us standing there in confusion. Then Octavia muttered something to Finn that I didn't catch. Did I have bad hearing or something? Hopefully not. I fell back to where I was walking alongside with Jasper, I wasn't the shy type when it came to liking somebody. I found his hand and took it, making him look at me with wide but triumphant eyes. "I like you, Jasper Jordan." I muttered in his ear and Jasper chuckled. "We've only known each other for a day." He mused, Then Finn started a short conversation on how we all got arrested. Monty and Jasper did something illegal, Finn did something illegal, Octavia was born...which I said wasn't a bad thing...and I did something illegal. So there you go, not a very detailed description of the stories but yeah. Then we walked for a tiny bit more and I stayed back for a minute while the others ran to see what Clarke was looking at, once I had got the thing I wanted, I ran up to the group also, what they were staring at made me burst into happiness.

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