Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up to Bellamy's face in front of mine. It took me a moment to remember what had happened. Deadly Gas had attacked me, him and Charlotte, and we had lost Adam in the yellow mist. "Comon. We need to go." Bellamy said to me, helping me up. I sighed deeply. "No sign of Adam..?" I asked quietly, but hopeful that Adam had made it our of the fog alive. Bellamy shook his head in the "no." Directions. "Not yet. But we will find him. Don't worry." He tried assuring me. I have him a pained looked, and glanced at the stoney ground. "Okay." I said shakily, Adam hadn't exactly been my friend but I still was protective over him like one, I always did that to people. I couldn't help it. Charlotte appeared beside me and Bellamy, looking around. "Are we leaving?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Back to camp."

Bellamy inhaled the rain-scented air. Glancing around as he stepped out the cave. "All is clear." He said.

I grabbed Charlotte's hand with mine. Feeling slightly safer that way. She looked at me and sent me a faint smile. "Anybody out here!? Jones?" Bellamy shouted, I gazed around the woods. Hoping for a sign of some human.

"We're here!" A voice replied, making me sigh in relief.

We started walking towards the voice, and saw three of the other people that had came with us on the hunting trip that went all wrong. Jones looked at us, "Lost you in the stew." He said. I eyed them. "Where'd you go?" I asked them, Jones shrugged his shoulders. "Went to a cave down there. What the hell was that?"

"Looked like a giant cloud of killer fog to me." Was my answer.

"I don't know." Was Bellamy's answer.

"Where's Adam?" I demanded, dropping the fog subject. Silence spread put across us as Jones gave me and Bellamy a clueless look. I heard Charlotte sigh shakily. I squeezed her hand. "Well, we gotta find him!" I said quickly, staring at Bellamy with wide eyes. "Lets not jump to that yet, Jacklyn." He replied. To me, I wasn't taking that as an answer. "We should spread out...I'll take Charlotte. You take Jones. And you two go back to camp and tell Octavia and the others we are okay. To me "let's nnot jump to that just yet" isn't an proper answer. We will find Adam." I commanded forcefully. Jones's two friends watched me with unsure looks. "I said go!" I barked. They immediately nodded and starting running to camp. Bellamy smirked smally. "Fine..Come on, Jones." He uttered, giving me a slightly amused look, and walked away with Jones into the woods. "Come on, Charlotte.." I mumbled,


We threaded through the trees. I kept my eyes open for any signs of Adam. "Adam!?" I called, my voice mixing in with Bellamy's, who was calling as well. Charlotte walked ahead of me like she'd spotted something and then froze, a scream escaped her throat. I felt my heart pound harder when I saw what she saw. Adam. "Shit." I whispered.

Adam was laying on the ground. His skin burnt, red and torn. He was slightly convulsing. Bellamy appeared out of nowhere behind us. "Son of a bitch." He muttered. "Adam!" He said loudly and bent down beside me, because I was already there, sitting beside Adam. "Adam.." I said, my voice shaking. "Do something..Bellamy.." I said quickly. Staring at Adam with wide eyes. Bellamy said nothing.

"Kill m-me...Kill me." Adam whispered, more like choked. I glanced at Bellamy's hands. He He already had a ax clutched. Charlotte came up to him as he stood up. Watching Adam. She took out the knife he had given her the day before, handing it to Bellamy. "Don't be afraid." She said. Triggering me jumping to my feet. "Don't...We can s-save him." I said. Grabbing the knife from Bellamy, cutting my palm on the blade. I ignored it though. Although I knew that there wasn't any way we could save Adam, I just didn't want him to be killed. I couldn't...

If somebody did it would be me. "Go back to camp." Bellamy said to Jones, who was standing nearby. Jones ran off without a word. I glanced at Charlottle. "Charlotte...You too." I said. She stated at me and walked away slowly. "Bellamy. We can..." I trailed off. But dropped my sentence and bent down beside Adam again. I heard him whispering. "Please..Kill me." I closed my eyes. I felt Bellamy's hand wrap around my shoulder. I had to kill Adam. I couldn't just sit here and let him suffer. I opened my eyes, and gripped the knife. Bringing it closer to Adam's neck. When I saw Clarke standing behind Bellamy. And she walked over to us. Her expression calm but scared. "Clarke...Please, can you save him?" I whispered to her. Not looking away from Adam. I felt her staring at me. "No." She replied silently. I winced. Clarke tried to take the knife away, but I refused to give it to her. I didn't know why. "I heard screams.." Clarke said to Bellamy. Who looked up. "Charlotte and Jacklyn found him. I sent her back to camp." He croaked. I blocked them out, "And we can' him." I said tearfully.

Clarke watched me. As I sighed deeply. "Okay...I'm g-gonna help you." I murmured to Adam. Placing my hand on his forehead, stroking it with my finger. It was hard just to keep myself calm. But I would, I had done this before. With my dad. I started to hum a lullaby, my mother had told me that it had always calmed somebody down. I slowly stabbed the knife into Adam's neck, still humming. Not breaking my gaze. I stroked his forehead as he went limp. Thin blood trickling from the stab in his neck. I breathed heavily, I had just killed somebody...

I stared at the ground then, wordless. "There.." I croaked hoarsely. Knowing my eyes were glistening with tears. There's another one down, on my list of people that I liked that were dead. "You did the right thing.." Clarke said gently to me, I rubbed my eyes. And nodded. Not taking my eyes away from the ground as I stood up. "Did you get the stuff for Jasper?" I asked quietly. It would make me feel better if Clarke said that she did. Because then all things could be better when Jasper woke up and smarted off with one of his hilarious jokes or perverted statements. "Yeah. We did." Clarke responded. Her hand squeezed mine comfortingly. "Okay.." I murmured. Glancing at Bellamy who was watching me with slightly teary eyes. "Lets...Just go back to camp." I said heavily. I just wanted Jasper to get better and wake up. Then it could get better.

(Sorry no flashback in tthis one. I didn't have the time! Forgive me! Also)

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