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I ran into the childrens ward, and ran to Karoline's room. I wasn't allowed in, and it was killing me. Bea was crying on the other side of the hallway. I walked over to her and she laid her shoulder on me.
"She's strong, she'll come back. She always is gonna come back."
"Not this time, you didn't hear the machine. She was dead. She is dead," Bea said, her voice raspier than usual from crying.
"No, listen to me. She is gonna come back have faith. Please have faith," I begged. Without faith, there is nothing left.
"Demi, I am scared. I have never been this scared."
"Bea listen, she is going to be okay, I promise. I really promise."
The door opened, and the nurses walked out. The doctor came out behind him. He sat on the floor in front of us.
"Well," I asked.
"You're very lucky, very, very lucky. Usually, we do not revive patients when their hearts are as weak as Karoline's," he said.
"So she's alive," Bea asked.
"Barely, but yes. She has a very weak heart, very, very weak. In my opinion, it is from her starving herself. She hasn't given her body the nutrition it needs, for a very long time. During this relapse, it got worse. Her heart got used to having food, and just gave out. I promise, that she is going to be okay. We have her on an IV, and its giving her a lot of nutrition. She will need to stay in the hospital for at least a week, from the point she wakes up. This also explains, why she wasn't waking up. You have a very strong daughter in there, Ms. Lovato."
"That, I do. Thank you so much, we can see her now," I asked.
"Yes, family only. I don't want too much pressure on her right now."
"Okay, thank you so much. I could never thank you enough. She is my baby, my first baby. If I were to lose her," I didn't finish the sentence.
"It's a scary thing, I am going to make my rounds now. Press the nurse button, when she wakes up," He smiled. He got up, and walked away.
"See, what did I tell you?"
"Karoline was right, you are always right."
"Alright, let's get up." I got up, and then helped Bea up. We walked into the room. Karoline was laying there, I could barely see her breathing.


It had been three days, and Karoline hasn't woken up yet. I am hoping today is the day she wakes up. Little Karoline, is great. She has come and visited many times. They all have, we all miss her. Bea, had to go back to work. She still comes, everyday. No matter what, she comes. She'll come and do her homework. She will come on her meal breaks, whenever. She told me to call her when, Karoline wakes up.

"Baby, you okay," Naya asked.
"Yeah, I am just worried. She should've woken up already."
"No, she needs rest. This is her bodies way of resting. Just let her rest."
"Okay, you are probably right. She needs rest, that's all."
"Let's go get some lunch, then come back."
"I am not hungry," I said.
"Why is Karoline in here," Naya asked. I looked down.
"Now, lets go. Set a good example." She grabbed my hand, and held it. I got up, and reluctantly followed her to the cafeteria. I got a chicken salad, and Naya got the same thing. I got a Pepsi and sat down.
"Have you had the meeting yet," Naya asked.
"No, not yet, its today."
"What do you want," Naya asked, putting a bite into her mouth.
"I want her to come home with me, I mean I really do. However, I want whats best for her. She needs what's best for her. But, now we have to include her doctor now.."
"Do you want me to be there," Naya asked.
"Of course, especially if I have to bring her clothes."
"Alright, well. I'll be there. Your parents still have Sky. Mine are on the way down. We got this."


I slowly opened my eyes, no one was here. Where was here? Then it came back to me. I relapsed, and passed out. I think, I wasn't too sure. I remember relapsing, and being at the baby shower. What if Demi knew, what if Bea knew. I looked down, it was IV's. What were in the IV's? I couldn't breathe, what have they been putting in me? How long was I out? What if I get fat, while I am in here. I can't take this. I heard the heart machine next to me start beeping really fast. What are they doing to me? Why was Demi and Bea letting them do this to me?
Two nurses ran in, and put something into my IV.
"What is going on," I yelled.
"You're in the hospital. Your Doctor will be in here, very soon," the nurse said.
"Can you take me off these stupid IV's," I asked.
"No," she replied, very bluntly.
"What are they for," I asked.
"One is fluids, one is for nutritional purposes, and I just put in something to calm you down," she said.
"Why am I on these things," I asked.
"Your doctor will be in here very soon."
"Okay, whatever. Are my parents here," I asked.
"They are downstairs."
"Can you get them," I asked.
"They will be up soon as well, they are having lunch."
"Just fucking great, I woke up. I am alone, not even my girlfriend is here."
"I am sorry, Ms. Karoline."
"What ever, its their faults."
"Ms. Karoline," a man walked in.
"Mr. Person," I replied.
"You seem to be in a good mood, I am Dr. Red," he laughed.
"I like you. You're sarcastic."
"As are you," he laughed, once again.
"What the hell am I in here for?"
"I am going to talk to the patient alone," he said to the nurses.
"You my young friend, had a relapse in your eating disorder. You passed out, and you died. We brought you back, thankfully. Your heart was weak, from malnourishment. You are on an IV, putting all that you lost back into you."
"When can I leave?"
"A week, from today."
"Can you get my parents," I asked.
"Yeah, sure."
He left, and I sat up. My head hurt so bad, but I could stand up. I was obviously in a hospital. It looked like I was in a childrens ward. That's all I knew. All I could gather.
"Karoline," Demi screeched. I covered my ears.
"Demi," I laughed.
"You had us scared there for a minute, baby girl."
"Sorry," I looked down.
"Hey, it happens to everyone," Naya smiled, bringing my face back up.
"How are you feeling," Naya asked.
"I have a headache, but I feel good," I smiled.
"Do you want anything to eat," she asked.
"No, I am not hungry," I said.
"Karoline, don't pull this shit with me," Demi said.
"I am not, they have me on this nutrition thing. I am seriously, not hungry." Her face darkened, like I had pissed her off or something.
"We have an appointment with all of your doctors. We are deciding whether you are going to be inpatient or not."
"Well, I am fine. I am not going inpatient again, thank you very much."
"And that's why you're here? Because you are fine? No. That's not working. I am not going to lose you. I almost did, and my heart broke."
"Well, let me out, and I can show you how just fine I am," I spit.
"That is up for your doctors and I to decide."
"Whatever," I hissed.
"I am actually headed to that meeting now, here is your phone. Call your girlfriend. She is worried. Naya and I will be back soon."
"What the fuck is your deal?"
"No, Karoline, what's yours," Naya asked, "Your mom, wants what is best for you. You are shutting her out. I don't want you giving her shit. Okay? Don't play this game with us, I don't want to hear it out of you."
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, Karoline, Okay. I hear you," Demi said quietly, as she left. Naya was behind her.

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