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I woke up to the sound of beeping noises. My eyes were heavy and I felt I needed sleep. I kept trying to open them, finally it worked. I moved my head, but I couldn't move the rest of my body. It felt it hard to breathe, so I started coughing.

"Baby, I'll be right back hold on, I'll get a nurse," I heard Demi say.

Soon, a man and three women entered the room. They made everyone get out. I looked at them, not knowing what was going on.

"We are going to remove the tube from your throat. It might hurt just a little, but it will make you more comfortable," the doctor said. I stared at him.

After removing the breathing tube, the nurses left. The doctor sat on the edge of the bed.

"Okay, Karoline. I am Dr. Mah. I am going to take care of you while you stay here. I need your cooperation. You can move you head," he asked.

I nodded.

"Good. Now as far as I know, you won't be able to move the rest of your body. This is very fixable, but you need physical therapy for a while. I am going to take good care of you and your mom has the best doctors working on you," he smiled.

"It is really hard to talk," I said with a very raspy voice.

"That is because of the breathing tube we had you on, it will go away and we can give you ice cream. That should help a lot," he laughed. I nodded.

"Do you have any questions for me," he asked.

"When will I be self-sufficient again," I asked. I didn't want anyone to have to care for me.

"I am sorry, there is no definite time frame for that. You will have to work really hard. Make sure that you are always trying to move and your mom is going to meet me in a meeting later today and see how many times a week we need to put you in physical therapy," he told me.

"Okay, and may I see my family now," I asked. He smiled and nodded. He left and closed the door. I took in my surroundings. I was in the children's ward. I thought so because there was pink in my room. There was a wall of windows to my right. I could see California. It was pretty. There was one wall pink, and the rest were a bright white color. There was a dark brown couch and above that was a window. It had a ledge and bags were kept there. A playpen was on the wall in front of me and an air mattress was on the floor next to it. Next to me were medical things and there was a bathroom and a counter for the doctors.

"Hey babygirl," I heard, being dragged out of my thoughts.

"Hey momma," I smiled as i talked in my raspy voice. Demi had Sky on her hip, Sky had her thumb in her mouth and had her head on Demi's shoulder. Bea came in smiling. She had a cast on her foot and was on crutches. She came over to my bed and kissed my forehead.

"Hey baby, its been a long week and a half," she smiled.

"So I was out for a week," I asked.

"Almost two," Demi said. She smiled.

"Oh," I sighed.

"We were so worried about you. We also missed you so much. We didn't know when you were going to wake up. Bea has been here everyday. She is a keeper," Demi winked.

"I am sorry, baby, you have work," I said.

"You are so much more important. My moms are coming down. My sisters too. They all want to meet you. They are going to be here on Friday," Bea smiled.

"Wait, what. I am a mess. I can't walk or hug them. What, no. Baby, why," I asked.

"This made me think about how short life is. You're my girlfriend and I want my moms to know you and my sisters too. Demi is flying them in ," Bea said.

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