Ch. 3

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a/n- I am changing the dates a bit, stay with me because I am backing up a bit. I am gonna write down the dates for each chapter now :) I am also changing a couple of other things. I am becoming more organized, so I don't forget anything now.



I was leaving for the next part of the 'Neon Lights Tour'. Karoline was still upset but was talking to me. She made a lot of progress; she could now move all of her arms. She could also make movement in her legs. She was staying in the hospital until she was more independent.

"Come on Demi. If you want to stop at the hospital, you have to hurry," Max ordered.

"Okay, I am coming. Come and get my bags," I laughed.

He silently came up the stairs and grabbed my bags. As he took them out, I went around the house and turned off the lights, checking to make sure everything was locked as well. I got to the front and locked the door after I stepped out of the door. It wasn't hard to leave the house, but this time it would be hardest to leave the hospital.

It takes about 40 minutes to get to the hospital from my house. The drive there seemed like it took 5 minutes. I didn't want to say goodbye, I never did.

"Demi, do you want to go in alone, or do you want me to come with you," Max asked.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't come with me," I said.

I didn't want anyone to come in with me. I wanted Naya, Karoline, and Sky there. Bea was with her parents today, so I didn't have to make anyone leave. I exited the car and walked into the lobby. My heels clicking along with me, I usually wear casual, but as soon as I get there I have a meet and greet. I won't have time to do anything but my hair and makeup. I waited the elevator ride and went to Karoline's room, this hospital has became like my second home.

"Hey," I smiled entering the room.

"Mommy," Sky ran over to me.

Naya and Karoline smiled. We all went over and sat on the bed.

"Okay, so you know mommy is leaving again right," I asked Sky.

I had to talk to her different, make her understand.

"Yes," she said.

"Mommy will be away for a while, for a really long while," I said.

"Like last time," Sky asked me.

"A little longer," I said.

"Mommy that is so long," Sky whined.

"I know baby," I said.

I was trying to hold it together because I didn't want her seeing me cry.

"Mommy, you come and visit, right?" Sky asked.

"Mommy will try. I will be very busy," I said.

"Okay," she said.

I knew she didn't quite understand.

"Alright, now for you," I said and walked over, looking over to Karoline.

"I love you so much, and I am so sorry that this has to go like this. I wanted to stay, but you know how tough management can be at times," I said.

"I know. I want you to leave on good terms. I will miss you so much, but why don't you take Naya and go back to your car?" Karoline laughed.

"Alright, I will be back," Naya smiled.

I grabbed Naya's hand and pulled her out of the room. We got out to the hall, and I grabbed her hand. We walked her out to the car, and I pushed her against the car. I attacked her with kisses and laughed. Naya giggled, and Max stepped out of the car.

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