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Harry's wolf: black

George's wolf: brown


Harry's Pov.

The next thing I knew we were all in the forest 30 minutes before the full moon. Sirius was looking around for anyone in the forest, Remus was fussing over Luna saying something about staying in her animagus form no matter what, Bill was complaining to Arthur about Siri and Luna coming, George was asleep on my lap, and Charlie was sitting against a tree looking lonely. The redhead sat down with his ears pinned to his head after getting yelled at by both his father and brother about being happy with Luna coming along. I felt a sudden strange, sad feeling as I witnessed a few silent tears fall down his cheeks. I looked down at George who looked equally affected by the feelings.

Remus's Pov.

While speaking to Luna about the danger she'll be in if she becomes human, I feel the presence of a sad omega. I look toward Harry and George noticing the effect it's having on them. When I spot Charlie, I noticed a few stray tears roll down his face. I walk over and crouch in front of him. "Hey, what's wrong" I told the boy while wiping tears from his face. He looked up at me and let a few more tears fall. Charlie launched himself into my arms and continued to cry. I sat down and placed him into my lap, Luna beside us. We sat there together petting his ears and talking with him until there was five minutes to the full moon. Charlie got up and off my lap as Sirius came back.

"The area's officially clear and its safe for you to shift." 

"Okay, George, Harry move apart. This is your first shift and it's gonna be painful" I told them. We all spread apart while my mates shifted into animals. 

"How much longer" Harry asked. He looked at us scared and I responded with a minute. I looked over at the nervous children and said 

"It's okay, you'll be fine. You have us" I felt the pull of a shift and saw Charlie fall to the ground with a yelp. Next went George with a loud cry, then Bill. Harry fell and I couldn't stand much longer. 

Harry's Pov.

I fell to the ground biting back a scream. After what felt like eternity, I stood on four shaky paws. I first noticed a brown and black wolf laying in the place that once stood George. I trotted over getting used to being on four legs and nudged George with my nose. I looked around at the other wolves. In place of Bill stood a beautiful black and brown wolf with intense amber eyes.

In place of Remus stood a tall grey and brown wolf with the same amber gaze staring into my eyes

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In place of Remus stood a tall grey and brown wolf with the same amber gaze staring into my eyes.

In place of Charlie stood a small dark grey and brown, german shepard like, wolf with light blue eyes, softer than the others

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In place of Charlie stood a small dark grey and brown, german shepard like, wolf with light blue eyes, softer than the others.

In place of Charlie stood a small dark grey and brown, german shepard like, wolf with light blue eyes, softer than the others

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Next stood Arthur a mix of the two sons but with two bright blue eyes.

Lastly Siri and Luna stood off to the side while waiting for all our transformations to finish

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Lastly Siri and Luna stood off to the side while waiting for all our transformations to finish.

Lastly Siri and Luna stood off to the side while waiting for all our transformations to finish

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Sirius and Luna stood up and walked over to Remus as Bill and Arthur meet halfway. I watch as Charlie struggled to stand up as his father and brother run off into the forest, leaving him to fend to himself. He let out a bark after them as he continued to try and stand. The distressed wolf eventually gave up and curled up in a ball letting out a few quiet whines in the process. Remus stood up and walked over to Charlie and nudged him softly with his nose. Charlie looked up sadly and let out a small whine. Remus laid down with him and Luna soon followed. I looked back to Sirius who was walking closer to us. He let out a bark, which I strangely understood as "Use mind link."

'What?' I thought.

'There he is!' I heard Sirius in my head.

'What's happening' I heard George.

'It's a mind link, it's how packs communicate' Remus explained, 'Are you okay George?'

'I'm fine it just hurts' George replied.

'How come I could never communicate with my brother and father?' Charlie asked quietly. Remus looked at him solemnly and responded.

'They either don't use a mind link or they didn't accept you into their pack'

'The second one' Charlie said sadly.

'You don't know that' Sirius said.

'Really, they haven't stayed with me for a full moon once' Charlie snapped through the link, 'On my third transformation I was in so much pain I couldn't move. What happened that night? Another wolf attacked me. My so called family didn't even come back in the morning'

'You have us now' I heard Luna's thoughts.

'Why'd you think you could hear this' Siri added. Charlie lifted his head and looked around at them. I decided this would be a good time to try and move George so I stood up and started walking away, deciding it was time to play. I sat down beside Remus and started tugging and nipping at his ears and tail. I let out a playful yip and bowed into a playing position. Remus understood and started running away letting me chase after him. I noticed he was holding back on speed so I decided it was the perfect time to pounce on him. I pounced and pinned him under me and let out a happy bark. I looked back at George who was just standing up with the help of his brother and my godfather. He let out a victory howl once he could stand by himself. Once George was comfortable on his feet Remus and Charlie taught us to hunt for food. I don't really understand why we need to learn because we don't need to but were wolves now it's probably fun. Once taught to hunt they said we were allowed to spend the rest of the night playing as wolves. By the end of the night we were all curled up in a clearing together asleep.

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