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George's Pov.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in. Charlie, Sirius, and Luna were gone. Remus was distracted by a book and Harry was curled on my chest. "Wake Harry up and we can go down to breakfast" I looked back to Remus who was looking at me with a small smile. Remus stood up to leave to the bathroom to which I grinned and shook harry gently.

"Harrykins, wake up darling" He groaned and snuggled into the pillow more. "Wake up or I'll fuck you so hard right now you won't be capable of leaving" I whispered seductively into his ear. At that he shot out of bed, his face bright red. 

"Good your up, what happened." Remus said walking in, seeing Harry's face. I began laughing while Harry's face turned an even darker shade of red."Okay then, lets go" He said looking at us odd. I stood off the bed and grabbed Harry's hand, leading him out the door. We walked into the kitchen and took our seats next to Fred.

Harry's Pov.

"Hey Freddie" I spoke as I sat down. He looked over at me and shared a sweet smile indicating that he was still chewing. He finished what was in his mouth and responded with,

"Morning" He looked back to his food and began eating again. I picked up a piece of toast, a few rashers, and an egg and began eating while making occasional conversation with Fred and George. 

(Rashers are basically bacon but thats what there called in the UK and Ireland. I'm from Ireland btw)

When we were all finished eating Molly got all of our attention. "Okay kids, time to go upstairs"

"Umm, Why" Fred questioned her. She frowned and replied with,

"Order meeting, upstairs. Now!" Molly snapped. We all stood and raced out the door to the woman's orders. All of the us decided to go into the twins and I's room and find something to do. After 5 minutes of an awkward silence emanating throughout the room the perfect Idea sprung into my head. 

"Truth or Dare!" I exclaimed startling everyone else in the room. Hermione's face lit up while Fred, George, Ron, Luna, and Ginny's filled with a confused yet interested look.

"And what-" Fred began.

"Is this-" George continued.

"Truth or-" Fred.

"Dare you-" George.

"Speak of" They finished together.

"It's fairly simple, someone begins by asking another player 'truth or dare' ...(I am not explaining it all sorry)

We all sat around in a circle, with the empty butterbeer bottle place on its side in the middle. "Who wants to spin first?" I asked the others. With no one responding, Hermione smiled and reached towards the bottle and spun it. It spun a total of four times until it stopped, pointing directly at Luna. 

"Truth or dare Luna" Hermione grinned.

"Truth" Luna said happily.

"Is it tru-" Hermione started.

"Wait a minute. Dobby!" I interrupted. The house elf popped into the room and squeaked out.

"What does master Harry Potter sir, needs from Dobby, sir"

"Could you get us some veritasium please Dobby"

"Of Course master Harry Potter sir" he said before popping away only to return within ten seconds with the vial of truth serum. The elf handed me the vial and popped away as fast as he came. We passed around the vial, each drinking a small amount.

"You guys can continue now" I told Hermione and Luna.

"As I was saying, Is it true your an animagus" Hermione finished.

"Yes" Luna replied happily. "My turn?" she asked us.

"Yep" I insisted. She reached forward and spun the bottle in front of us. It spun round only to land on Ron.

"Truth or Dare Ron" Luna giggled.

"Dare" Ron faltered. She thought for a moment before saying,

"I dare you to kiss Ebony"(Yas bitch The snake is back, I totally didn't forget she even existed)His eyes widened to the size of saucers and he reluctantly nodded his head slowly.

"I'll get her" I told the group. "Ebony, come here please"  The black snake perked up at the sound of her name and slithered over to us from her spot on the bed. 

"What do you need Harry" She asked. 

"Would you let Ronald kiss you please, it's for a game." She gave a hissy laugh and slithered over towards Ron, who was becoming increasingly more scared as she got closer. He cautiously reached down to her and picked her up. The redhead gave her a quick kiss on the head and placed her back on the bed. We continued on with our game for well over an hour until Fred and George left for a few minutes and Ginny spun the bottle, the bottle landing on me. I let out a sigh knowing that this wouldn't end well at all. 

"Truth or dare Harry" she asked calmly. Not wanting to be subject to any very personal question I replied with a simple, 

"Dare" Ginny shot me a malicious smirk and stated,

"Kiss me" My eyes widened and my jaw fell slack.

"Sorry, What?" I asked.

"I dare you to Kiss me" she smirked.

"No!" I seethed.

"It's a dare, you have to!" The obsessed girl screamed.

"Ginny No!" Ron barked at her.

"Leave him alone Ginny!" Hermione told her slightly calmer.

"No! Your mental!" I fumed. Hearing the yelling, the adults and my boyfriends ran into the room. When they walked into the room the first thing they saw was Ginny holding onto the sleeve of my jumper, me pulling away from her, Ron pulling me away, and Hermione attempting to free my arm of her grasp.

"Ginevra Weasley! Let go of Harry! NOW!" Molly roared. She let go of me and I pushed passed everyone and left the room. I ran to the bathroom and slid down the door.

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