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Fred's POV.

I walked out of the room and made my way to the downstairs bathroom. I sat down with my back against the door as tears streamed down my cheeks. Soon there was a knock on the door and a soft voice calling "Fred, its Luna. May I come in please" I stood and moved away from the door releasing a quiet whimper. She pulled me into a hug and sat me on the floor with my head in her lap. "Do you wanna talk or just sit here" Luna asked.

"Can we just sit here" I whined in reply.

"Ofcourse" the blonde girl whispered back. She began petting my hair and ears in a calming manner, soon lulling me to sleep.

Luna's Pov.

As we sat in silence the red head shut his eyes and let his breathing even out into sleep. "Kreacher" I called quietly as to not wake the sleeping boy. The elf popped into existence directly in front of me and spoke.

"What can I do for you"

"Send either Sirius, Remus, or mr. Weasley please and thank you" I smiled. He began walking away mumbling something about stupid blood traitors and being polite. Within 5 minutes the house elf had returned followed by mr. and mrs. Weasley and Remus.

"What's happened to him" mrs. Weasley worried checking her son over for injuries.

"Oh nothing hes just cried himself to sleep and I'm not quite strong enough to lift him up to bed." Remus let out a chuckle and picked the sleeping boy up.

"Let get him to bed then, we can take it from here" Remus said directing the last part at the Weasley parents.

"May we take him to our room as well as George, I don't believe we should trust them alone" I spoke quietly as to not alert the oldest Weasley's.

"If that is what you believe is best" Remus smiled back. We walked to our room and placed Fred on the bed. "Do you wanna get George or will I"

"I can" I said turning out the door again. I walked down the stairs and through the narrow hallways until I reached the dining room. "George, would you please come with me please, you too Siri" I asked the older men. Without words the two in question stood and walked over to me. I left the room with Sirius and George and lead them down the hall to my room with Fred and Remus. I looked in the door to see Fred awake and crying into Remus' shoulder. Sirius shifted into padfoot and George just walked over to the couch. Sitting down on the bed, I pulled Fred into my arms and began petting the soft ears atop his head. I laid down against the pillows and Fred immediately curled around my side. I closed my eyes, smiling sleepily and slowly drifted into my dreams.

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