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Harry's Pov.

The three of us decided to sit in my room talking for a while longer until Sirius said he and Luna needed to go speak to Remus. "Wanna come down stairs with us pup?" Siri asked.

"No thanks, I think ima take a nap" I lied, faking a yawn for affect.

"'Kay pup, give a shout if you need anything" He smiled.

"Yep, bye Siri" I said laying down in the bed. Once I heard the door shut gently and sat back up. I took my legs off the bed and silently walked over to my trunk. opening it, I dug around in it looking for a small box. I found what I was looking for and padded off toward the bathroom. While closing the bathroom door, my mind began to wander off to Fred and George. 'What would they do if they found out'

'Nothing you idiot, they couldn't care less if you were dead.'

'Yes they would!' I argued.

'No they wouldn't, they just want your money'

We continued arguing back and forth while I was cutting my wrists until I was brought out of my thoughts by a snake like voice hissing from the other side of the door. "Harry, what's wrong?" Ebony hissed "I can smell your distress." 

"Nothing Eb, I'm fine" I said holding my breath. I heard nothing else so I decided to stay in the bathroom staring down at the mess I caused of my wrists beginning to get dizzy. As I sat in silence,close to passing out, I failed to hear Remus whisper alohomora, and open the door. The next thing I knew, I was passed out on the floor slowly losing consciousness.

George's Pov.

As we all sat in the living room talking about going back to school, small black snake appeared into the room smelling faintly of blood. I looked at the loder werewolf to see his reaction and he looked back at me. Remus and I stood up at the same time and Ebony started back out of the room. I followed the sanke to Harry and I's room while Remus got my mother and Sirius. Remus soon caught up to us and Remus unlocked the door.

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