The Inheritance

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! Trigger Warning !

Self Harm




Harry's Pov.

"STAY IN THERE FREAK" shrieked my uncle Vernon as he threw me into my cousin, dudley's second bedroom after a particularly painful beating for burning lunch. I did my best to get up and limped over to the small bed in the corner. I opened the drawer to my nightstand and pulled out the small black box that contained the small silver blade that has caused me so much relief since i was 12. I pulled up my sleeves and slid the cold metal across my wrist once, twice, reciting words like freak, faggot, waste of space, and mistake in my mind until there were a total of 20 new cuts on each wrist. I put the blade back into my nightstand and pulled out some bandages to wrap my wrists. I pulled down my sleeves and not 2 minutes later my Aunt Petunia came in and handed me my list of chores for the day. it read 'weed the garden, cut the lawn, water the plants, dust and clean the house, Make supper'

"Have supper done by 5 or else." she said. I looked at the watch on my wrist that had a crack through the middle making it harder to see the time but i've gotten used to it. I see the time reads 1 pm so that means 4 hours to do everything. I limp down the stairs and out the back door where I walk over to the flower bed. As I'm weeding the flower bed my hand brushes against a smooth, scaly surface. I reach in and pull out a beautiful midnight black snake with eyes black as obsidian. 

"Hey"  I was hissed at by the snake.

"Sssorry" I hissed back at it,"But if they see you they'll hurt you"

"A ssspeaker I sssee"

"Yesss, but may I asssk your name" I questioned the midnight coloured snake.

"I do not have a name but you may name me if you wisssh" It hissed to me.

"May I asssk your gender then"

"I am a female"

"Ok well how about ebony" 

"Beautiful" she hissed

"How would you like to ssstay with me" I asked


I finished weeding and watering the flowerbed and cutting the lawn in about 2 hours so that means i have about an hour to clean and dust the house so i can be careful with supper. I get inside, put ebony in my room and tell him to stay there for his safety. while I was cleaning I started feeling a hunger in my stomach from the lack of food i've had since i've came back from school because the dursleys tend to only feed me when it's really necessary. Once i finished cleaning the house i started supper. while i was cleaning Dudley came in and pushed my hand down on the hot burner. he held my hand there until i had tears brimming the corners of my eyes knowing if i resisted i would have a lot more than a burnt hand when my uncle found out. Once I was finished supper I was dragged upstairs into the bedroom by Vernon because supper wasn't finished by the time he was home. What he did next was worse that any beating he had ever given me.

(Time skip brought to you from your crying author)

After he finished and left, I layed on the floor as tears spilled out of the corners of my eyes. Ebony slithered over to my chest and curled up in an attempt to comfort me. The next thing I felt was an unbearable pain as I bit back a scream until i passed out. 

(Time skip brought to you by snape the greasy dungeon bat)

When I woke up I was in alot of pain and there was an odd feeling on my head. I got off the floor and put clothes on again after what vernon did earlier. I limped over to my nightstand and took out my blade and walked to the bathroom. once i turned on the lights I turned to face and nearly screamed. I had two black ears on the top of my head. An idea popped into my head and I turned around. As I looked down behind me I see a long fluffy raven coloured tail. I soon remembered what I came to the bathroom to do. One, two, three cuts and I just continued until I was feeling fairly faint remembering I was to go to the burrow tomorrow for my birthday. I walked back to my bedroom and quickly went to sleep excited to see the Weasleys and Hermione.

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