The Astronomy Tower

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As I climbed the stairs to the top of the tower I thought about everything that led me to this. The Dursley's, Cedric, Snape's hatred, Voldemort, and the voice. By the time I reached the top I had silent tears streaming down my cheeks. I took a sleeping Ebony off my shoulders and placed my note soundlessly on the ground. As I looked across the yards of Hogwarts, I started slashing angry bleeding lines through my arms. I climbed over the railing looking down to the ground unbeknownst to the quiet footfalls making there way up the stairs of the tallest tower.

Snape's Pov. 

While I climbed the stairs to the astronomy tower, I began to hear quiet sobs. I quickened my pace hoping what I believed was happening wasn't, though I knew better than to believe such things. When I reached the top I saw a distraught looking Harry Potter looking down over the edge of the tower. As I inched my way forward I began to hear him muttering words over and over. I sent a message to Poppy, Minerva, and Albus with my patronus, telling them to be ready at the base of the tower incase he jumps and to ready the hospital wing. "Harry" He looked back towards me with fear in his eyes.

"Stay away from me, or I'll jump" he threatened nervously,"I mean it." I placed down my wand and backed away a few steps still very cautious of his movements.

"You don't need to do this Harry" I replied sadly remembering when I was in this position getting talked down by his godfather.


"Severus, you don't need to do this" Remus Lupin began acting like he cared.

"Since when do you care, dog" I responded rather harshly. He looked at me with guilt filled eyes. "That's what I thought"

"Why would you want to do this" He responded sadly.

"Are you kidding me!" I snapped back at him,"You made me lose Lily". That conversation went on for about an hour longer before I stepped away from the edge of the tower.

Present time:

"Since when do you care, you hate me. You only need me to defeat Voldemort." He looked back at me again with sad eyes. I want to say something but was interrupted by hissing from a beautiful black snake. The snake seemed to have a very emotional conversation with the distressed boy as it caused him to get off the edge of the tower. As he went to pick up the snake he seemed glossy-eyed and dizzy. Out of nowhere he had passed out falling into my arms I picked him up noticing what I could only assume to be his suicide note. I noticed blood seeping through the sleeves of his arms and rushed him to the infirmary of the school. Once I got there Minerva and Poppy were already there and awaiting my arrival. I placed him down on the nearest bed and took of his robes and shirt noticing every scar, bruise, and cut running down his arms. I was pushed out of the area by Poppy, told to go grab healing supplies and blood replenishers. 

Mcgonagall's POV. 

I picked up a piece of parchment that fell out of severus' pocket and began reading. 

'This is my suicide note, I guess. I'm not sure who will read it but I need to write one. So I'll start off telling you a little about me. My name is Harry James Potter, I am 15 years old, and I go to Hogwarts. When I was one my parents were killed by a dangerous wizard by the name of Voldemort. Since then I have lived with my Aunt Petunia, my Uncle Vernon, and my cousin Dudley. I have nothing good to say about them I'm afraid. My aunt, a horrible and blinded bitch, my cousin a fat lump and a bully, and my uncle - my uncle is a man of hatred. It hurts so much that it doesn't hurt anymore when he beats me, starves me, or more recently, rapes me. When he locks me in my cupboard for months on end and pretends  that I have run away. I tried once. I was told not to lie again.' 

'Nobody knows my life. I'm not some boy whose innocence is still there and whose childhood was filled with happy memories and comfort. It was the opposite. It's the day, the night filled with screams and a knife. But I know hell be happy when I take my own life. I mean why wouldn't he. Maybe my mother and father will be nice up in heaven. Like Heaven exists. I'm being plunged into darkness by his hands. Nothing exists after death like nothing exists before life. A waste of life like mine means nothing to anybody and nobody shall care or even notice when i'm gone. I know that faith is dead, at least for me. Everybody I know has everything they could possibly want. Food, Money, a house, A FAMiLY and they have the nerve to complain about what they don't have. Don't they see, I have NOTHING. But I don't deserve it. I'm a waste of life. Nobody will remember me, Nobody knew me in the first place. Do me a favour and try to ignore me fall through a blatant trap door. I know its there. Will the school even know I'm not there or will they be told I ran away again? I never ran, I was to scared. But now I know that I'm a Waste of life. Everyone gather round for a show. Just like faith, I'll soon be dead. It's time to jump and take this waste of a life.'

(inspiration of the suicide note was from  @Gay_Slytherin_Prince)

When I finished reading the note I became aware of the tears in my eyes and the amount of pain that boy was in this entire time.

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