17 Suffocation, No breathing, Do you even care if I die bleeding? Hours 2 and 3

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W/N The title is '17 Suffocation, No breathing, Do you even care if I die bleeding?' There are TWO Toms so one will be Tom aka Tom Parker and one will be Tommy aka Tom McGuiness(Jay’s twin brother). Jay also has a brother named Luke!


(Nathan’s POV)




At this point we’re all mechanically strapped to a seat in this school bus. My chest is beginning to bother me as the feeling of infection spreads. I wonder how Jay’s leg is doing, seeings as she used the same dirty knife. Or maybe it was the rusty chains. Oh well, I’ll be dead one way or another. Might as well get some sleep.





I wake up to a restless stomach and a throbbing chest that might explode. I try to focus on my breathing in hopes that the nausea will simply pass. It doesn’t. Instead, I feel the acidic waste build up in my esophagus. I can’t stay like this, I’ll vomit all over my exposed self. Time for a new approach.

“Ma’am? I think I’m about to vo-” I stop myself mid sentence in hopes to settle the nausea. I think it worked!

“I’m about to vomit, could you please pull over?” I plead feebly.

“You must think me as some kind of fool. I think you’ll be fine.” she sneers. Unbelievable! I sit there for a while, just trying to battle off the nausea. It’s not working. After a while, my asthma kicks up a notch and  go into a coughing fit. That’s when I notice Marrissa looking back at me nervously. And I’m not the only one who sees it. I look to Jay, who keeps puffing his cheeks then to Tom,  who keeps making hacking noises. But what really pushes me towards that state is Kelsey begging me to do it.

I lean forward as much as I can in hopes of not getting sick all over me. Just that little bit of movement gets me and the acidic waste spills out of my body. Once I regain myself, I look down on the puddle of sick at my feet, feeling slightly pleased.

“Eww! Get everyone out, we’re moving,” she shrieks as she tries to run down the bus steps in her heels. The driver,I think his name is Vladimir, played with some buttons and soon out restriction were unlocked. Everyone runs out in different directions except Jay. He doesn’t even look like he’s going to get up. Once I feel up to it, and everyone else is gone, I leave as well.

I stand on the side of the of the road, emptying my stomach more. After a while I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist. Instantly, I feel a bit better when a man yells, “They’re running!”

A gun is fired causing me to look up. It was Luke, Jay’s big brother. He slumps to the ground, lifeless, as Jay whimpers helplessly. I see Tommy dragging Jess away as another shot is fired. That one hit Kelsey. I see Tom hold her as she screamed in pain. Once I hear Tom yell out in agony I know she’s gone. Another shot is fired as Max drags Tom to his feet. They quickly scurry away like mice, leaving me, Kelsey, Luke, and… Jay. He stayed, it’s all my fault.

“Why did you stay?” I ask sniffling a bit. The guilt and sorrow fill me as Jay puts his weight on me.

“Do you think I’d really just leave you here to die? Besides my leg is so bad I can barely move.” Jay says.

“Well, I guess we can go through hell together. So how bad is your leg?” I  grunt, helping Jay to Marrissa’s van seeings as we couldn't make an actual escape.

“So bad I can’t even feel it, really. How bout your chest?” he asks before stumbling backwards. I hold on to him tightly and soon enough  we’re both stable.

“It’s horrid! It’s as if I can feel the infection running through my veins.” I pant, my asthma kicking up a notch. Soon enough, we reach the van where two of the men help us in the van. The car ride is fairly silent, if you don’t count the beginning where Jay tried to talk to his seat buddy, Curt. It’s odd really, I can see exactly where we’re going and I still have my phone. She clearly didn’t think this one through. The chance of survival is 35% higher but so is the chance of death.. Thank you stupidity!

W/N Okay, How do you feel about Nathan and Jay’s infections?

Hope you enjoyed please leave a comment below! Xx

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