Valentines Day Special

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...Came the voices of 3 different males. (M/n) could already feel fatigue on his shoulders, as he turned around to face the pretty setters, all of which, of course, were very much attracted to the omega. Promptly ignoring Oikawa, (m/n) flashed a boyish grin at the two second year setters, graciously accepting their chocolates, and returning a hug.

The last time he gave Oikawa a "chance," he ended up getting pampered to oblivion all day, so he wasn't going risk it this time. Hopefully, the other two boys were more sensible than the rather childish 3rd year.

"Ehhh?? (M/n)-chan, you're so meaaannn~" came the whining of the brown haired alpha.

Taking in an internal breath of preparation, (m/n) put on his best fake smile, turned around, and stiffly greeted Oikawa.

"Ah. Oikawa-san. Didn't see you there, haha."

Yes, very natural. Good job, (m/n).

And he didn't know if Oikawa was feigning ignorance, or if he was actually just that dumb, but the hazel haired boy simply gleamed back at (m/n), arms outstretched as he pulled the shorter boy in for a sweet hug.

"I love you too, (m/n)-chan~~" came his whiny voice.

"I never said tha-"

Poor (m/n)'s response has been cut short from Oikawa's increasingly tight hug, prompting the small omega boy to signal a silent SOS signal with his eyes to the other two males on the street.

Oh, did he mention that they were on a street? In broad daylight? With people staring? What a fantastic day for the socially anxious manager.

Nonetheless, Akaashi came to his rescue by briskly shoving Oikawa to the ground with his elbows, and Kenma lightly kicking the 3rd year who was now on the floor, bruised and teary eyed. And while he was still down for the count, the omega quickly took the time as an opportunity to sort out the Valentines fiasco.

"Ahem. Thank you all for giving me these chocolates," he began, voice laced with honey and sugar, "however, I can't exactly go on 3 dates at one time... So if you'll just excuse me, I-"

"Ahhhhh!!! No!!! No, no, no! That's not fair!"

Annnnd the annoying one rose to his feet once more, now opting to cling onto the (h/c) haired boy's arm, while cautiously eyeing the gun metal colored ones of Akaashi.

"Yeah... not fair..." whispered the two tone haired setter, "don't leave please?"

And damn, Kenma's large, cat eyes struck at (m/n)'s heartstrings, as his cheeks flared up just a tiny bit at the sight.

However, as cute as Kenma was being right now, he had to set things straight. (M/n) wasn't dense. He knew all three of them liked the omega in a way deeper than friends. This has already happened several times before. And if there was one thing he hated more than early mornings, it would be getting involved in a claim war.

Sure, they were playing nice in the moment, but you never know how aggressive an alpha can get, especially when fighting over a particular omega they deem as their lover. Their mate. And he could already feel Oikawa snarling at the others, his mouth dangerously close to (m/n)'s tender neck, while the Akaashi and Kenma both started closing in on them. It was becoming quite obvious that they would fight if it came down to it.

(M/n) had to think quick.

He currently had 2 options:

1. Run away

2. Come up with a compromise

Running away was not going to work, as his legs were about half the length and strength of the other 3 males, so he was basically forced to go with option 2. Compromise. But how? His statement from before was true. He couldn't just magically split himself up into 3 equal pieces to hang out with each of the boys.... or could he?

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