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They say that eyes are the windows to our souls. Someone can take a look at your eyes and see a whole different galaxy in them. Each speck of light reflected on the orbs would represent stars, and the beautiful (e/c) hue of your iris would be the endless sky.

(m/n) was told frequently that his eyes were beautiful. His eyes were enchanting, alluring, charming. He had always wondered what people saw in his eyes. Because for him, all he thought when looking at his eyes were that they were the same old boring color that he was born with. There was nothing special about his orbs.

He really admired the cool olive tone of Wakatoshi. Anyone could see that he was meant to be a leader. (m/n) was also jealous of Satoru's flaming red ones. Although Satoru may seem easy going, his piercing red eyes told a different story. But what did (m/n) have? The same of (e/c). The dull familiar color that he grew to hate over the years.

"But I love your eyes."

(m/n)'s head snapped towards Wakatoshi.

"What do you like about them, Wakatoshi? I don't understand. They're nothing special."

And to that, the alpha simply shook his head and looked at (m/n) fondly. He made his was towards the omega and gently hugged him, ruffling his (h/c) hair as the cool summer breeze hit them softly.

"I can see my world in your eyes," he stated.

(m/n) was absolutely speechless. This was the most he has ever heard Wakatoshi talk, and he certainly didn't think it would be because of his boring eyes. However, what shortly came afterwards was a bit of frustration and anger. The omega was not happy.

"But you can't! How would that even be possible? I'm telling you, my eyes are nothing special!" he exclaimed.

And again, Wakatoshi simply shook his head. The taller male tilted (m/n)'s head up by gently lifting his chin with his calloused finger. The male quietly stared deeply into (m/n)'s eyes. He wasn't lying. He truly could see his whole world in them. He saw the brilliant (e/c) colored galaxy. The pupils were like a black hole, sucking him in until he couldn't take his eyes off him. It was already too late when Wakatoshi realized how deeply in love he was.

Similar to (m/n), Wakatoshi also never found the appeal of eyes. That is, before he met the omega. The fragile omega who he needed to tend to with care. Cautiously, or else (m/n) just might break or run away from him. And he certainly didn't want that to happen.

Wakatoshi's entire world was in sort of a monochromatic pallet. The buildings were old and gray. The air was suffocating. There was a constant pressure in the atmosphere that seemed to push down on his broad shoulders, testing when he would finally break down. All his friends were nice and all, but they were all grayed out as well. The only thing that slightly lit up his world was the competitive atmosphere of volleyball.

Perhaps that's why he was weirdly adamant about Oikawa being part of his team. Wakatoshi wanted to maximize his wins, because if he lost, his world would fade back to how it was.

However, he didn't need all of that now. He found (m/n). His precious little artist who painted his world with color. Deep, rich, vibrant colors. How a single omega could vastly change his life, he did not know. But he sure was thankful.

When he first settled his eyes on (m/n)'s, it was as if all the poison in his body left. He felt free. It was truly liberating to see everything in a different light. And as dense as he was, he couldn't deny the fact that he fell in love at first sight. The very thing that he believed to be bullshit was true.

So when he heard (m/n) say that he thought his beautiful (e/c) eyes were boring and dull, Wakatoshi couldn't help but feel a bit of heartache. He wanted the omega to understand that his eyes saved his life from being a dull one. He singlehandedly brought color to him. So there he stood, an arm wrapped around (m/n)'s waist, and the other tilting his chin up. He took a deep breath and tried to formulate all the things running through his head into words.

"I can see the galaxy in your eyes. They say eyes are the windows to your soul, and I see my world in your's. Your very existence is my world. You give me the power to live in a colorful world."

Wakatoshi paused a brief moment to gently caress (m/n)'s now blushing face.

"And I love you."

With that, he sealed his final sentence with a kiss. A kiss as beautiful as (m/n). A kiss that he would never forget. Everyone will die one day. As harsh as it is, it's a fact. And Wakatoshi wanted to stuff an eternity's worth of love in his short mortal life. This kiss would be the first step.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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