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"Dumbass! Hinata, you dumbass!"

"Shut up, Kageyama! It was your fault too!"


Ahh, what a lovely day. The sky was crystal clear, sun was shining, birds were singing their sweet song, and (m/n) was on the floor. On hard concrete. In the middle of the street. With two hyperactive teens fighting in front of him.

Letting out a tired sigh, (m/n) opted to zone out from reality for few minutes, using the time to calm down. The cool concrete beneath the said male was being quite therapeutic in a sense, as it was a hot day outside. It was sort of relieving to palm the stoney cold surface while listening to the beautiful nature around him. 

The soft blades of grass were humming a tune quietly, as they rustled with each rare breeze that passed by. Ants were working to bring back food to their nest, hustling as usual. Silence was of virtue, and mother nature seemed to acknowledge that fact.

Except for two little one of them not so little crows.

It was quite the confusing situation, to be perfectly honest. It felt like a fever dream to (m/n), as he silently watched the two males in front of him fight. And he would have kept on watching if it weren't for the stinging pain that was returning to his scraped knee as the adrenaline of being hit by a bike wore off. 

Oh, did I mention that the poor omega, who was minding own business, doing cute omega things, was hit by a bike? More specifically a certain orange haired sunshine's bike? Yea. That happened.

And this all went down in a matter of literal seconds.

(M/n) was running errands for the volleyball team, as they were running low on some medical supplies. With Goshiki digging his knee away to save a ball from Wakatoshi, and Eita's unusually frequent muscle cramps (to which Tendou would teasingly comment "Semisemi, you're becoming a grandpa."), coupled with numerous head injuries from cannon-like spikes, ice packs and pain relief patches were always depleted.

Thus, as the manager of the volleyball club, (m/n) took it upon himself to go shopping for said supplies. And of course, when the bubbly male bounded over to the coach for permission to leave the gym, several eavesdropping members refused to let him go alone, where they wouldn't be able to readily save him in case something happened. But a harsh slap on the back from coach Washijou was enough to daze them into forgetting what they were talking about, knocking them out. That old man sure packed a mean punch. In the end, the omega was given the task to go on a supply run by himself. And (m/n) was perfectly happy with that.

Chuckling at the memory, (m/n) slowly stood up from his sitting position, wincing slightly from a wave of pain on his knee, before facing the two problem children ahead. The small one had rammed into the sweet omega as he was exiting the shop, causing him to momentarily black out before waking up to screaming and yelling.

They seemed to be fighting about the little one's carelessness and the tall one's demeanor.

"Dumbass, why can't you go a single day without creating a problem?!"

"Don't be so rude! It's not like I ran into someone on purp... Wait..."

The orange hair "dumbass" suddenly faltered, before continuing his comment.

"I... I- I ran into someone!!!"

And soon enough, a crest fallen look washed over his face, before stiffly turning his head to look at (m/n).

Said male was currently trying to find his balance while shifting his weight onto his uninjured leg. Blood was dripping down his other one, but he assessed that it wasn't as bad as it looked. A scratch can spurt out a surprising amount of blood, however, so it was best not to panic and simply stop the flow before he got dizzy from blood loss. 

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