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It was another beautiful morning for the (h/c) haired omega. Thriving in the love and affection of his peers, (m/n) was currently as happy as can be. 
He had never been in such good condition before, both mentally and physically. His skin was glowing more than usual, and his smiles were frequent. The quiet boy who avoided people was slowly breaking out of his shell. And he loved the feeling. It was liberating.

Leaning back on the bench he was sitting on, (m/n) took in the soft breeze that filled the gym. The warm air flowed in from outside and accompanied the team in their intense practice session. With words of encouragement from mother nature, (m/n) was enveloped in his own world, humming a familiar but unidentifiable tune. The ones you can't put a finger on, but know by heart.

The peaceful calm was broken by a particularly loud slam of a volleyball, along with mindless chatter among teammates. (E/c) orbs slowly opened to take in the visuals of the gym after its moment of rest. Eita and Satori were fighting (for the 50th time, it seemed), with Satori riling up the poor setter until he snapped. On court, Shirabu was syncing up his sets with Wakatoshi, finding the optimal height and speed for the left handed spiker. And to the right of them, Goshiki was showing off his flashiest moves to (m/n), effectively grabbing the latter's attention. 

Goshiki was such a dedicated and diligent player, that a fond smile was brought upon (m/n)'s lips just by thinking of the future ace. Something about his child-like demeanor coupled with his monstrous presence on court put Goshiki burn bright in (m/n)'s eyes.

And it wasn't just Goshiki. Everyone on the team was so reliable and comforting to be around. They were like guards that protected a small petal of a flower. A beautiful flower. A fragile flower.

A smile graced his face as (m/n) continued observing the gym. The day was an exciting one, as there was a practice match set up between Shiratorizawa and another school from Tokyo called Nekoma. Not only were the players pumped up for a good practice session, but (m/n) was as well, due to a certain pudding head he knew from the opposing team. And there was an interesting story as to how the two met.

Kozume Kenma was a unique being, to say the least. He caught the attention of (m/n) almost immediately on the fateful day that he entered a game store to buy a newly released merchandise. (M/n) thought for sure that Kenma was an omega, just like him, when he first laid eyes on the slouched male. However, the quiet setter had an undeniable aura of an alpha. In fact, Kenma's pheromones were much stronger than a lot of other alphas that (m/n) had met before. And thus, (m/n) was naturally attracted to him. 

It was only when (m/n) was just a foot away from the other male that he noticed his subconscious approach. The male in front of him, however, was staring a certain game that was notorious for being hard to beat. In fact, (m/n) had tried many times to complete it, only to fail miserably. Eventually, he rage quit after days of dying in game.

Reminiscing in his failure, (m/n) didn't notice the pudding head in front of him turn his body, staring at the omega in a questioning manner. He was about to awkwardly bow and walk away from the (h/c) haired beauty, when he felt a small, but frantic, tug on his sleeve. He whipped his head back around in surprise, as a soft and charming voice reached his ears.

"Um... sorry. I- uh." (M/n) was sputtering nonsense out, as he tried to think of a way to spark a conversation up with the cat-like alpha in front of him.

Clearing his mind and throat, the omega finally found a connection between himself and the other boy, as he straightened up and continued his speech.

"Can you help me beat that game?"

Great fucking job. That was the best thing he could come up with in his moment of panic.

(M/n) was starting to feel slightly embarrassed upon registering what he had just said. The opposing male simply stared at him for a while, surprise still apparent on his face, before he slowly reverted back to his introverted form. However, he seemed to be more relaxed, based on his body language and facial expression. 

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