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Beep Beep Beep

The alarm rang loudly, disturbing the peace of a certain omega's room. (M/n) attempts to block out the noise by snuggling himself further into his thick blanket. Maybe the alarm clock will malfunction somehow and shut off on its own.

Beep Beep Beep

(M/n) was sadly mistaken, however, as the same blaring noise intruded his ears once more. Groaning, (m/n) poked an arm through from under his blanket, blindly reaching out to find the darned clock. 

Beep Be-  SLAM

Ahh, at last. The quiet was once again restored. 

The (h/c) haired male laid still on his bed. He was still feeling sleepy and contemplated whether or not he should close his eyes again. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. After all, it was a Saturday. There was no school to attend, nor was there a club meeting to go to. Sleep sounded nice. The only reason he set up an alarm in the first place was to try to keep up with a consistent sleep schedule, which was quite clearly not working out. What he needed right now was more sleep.

However, as the male tried getting more shut eyes, he heard the birds begin to chirp outside his window. Oh no. 

Normally, birds chirp for a few minutes before shutting up and flying away. But the birds that lived outside of (m/n)'s house were weird. They chirped for 30 to 60 minutes straight.

And if that wasn't reason enough to get up for the day, the bright sunlight was starting to inch its way towards (m/n)'s bed, threatening to shine directly on his face at any given moment. Plus, he really needed to use the bathroom from drinking too much water in the middle of the night. He should really stop doing that from now on (or at least try, but water tasted much better at 3 AM for some reason).

And so, with a loud groan, (m/n) stretched while he was still on his bed, hearing his bones pop in satisfaction. When he finally felt the strength return to his legs, said male slowly inched towards the edge of his bed, raising himself up from the dead. The house was quiet, with only the sound of annoying birds surrounding him.

As surprising as it may sound, (m/n) actually lived alone. His parents were business corporation owners, meaning they had places to be at all times. At first, his parents dragged (m/n) along with them up until he turned 8. Then, his grandma looked after him until she sadly passed away 6 years later. His parents wanted to drag him along on their business trips again, but (m/n) adamantly refused. Of course, there was a lot of fighting and tears shed as (m/n) fought to live alone. It wasn't until he broke down in front of them, begging his parents to let him lead his own life, that they backed off of the idea. Sure, they wanted to protect him, but they valued his respect and love towards them a bit more. Acknowledging boundaries were important.

So, at the end of the day, (m/n) got to live alone in a house that his parents bought for him. In exchange, however, (m/n) had to agree to call them daily and send pictures as much as he could. Not that he minded, though. It wasn't like he was gonna drink his life away and do illegal things just because his parents weren't there. He still had basic morals, as everyone should.

Jumping out of bed, (m/n) made his way to the bathroom to relieve himself. He turned on his speakers in the bathroom and started playing some lofi music while washing up for the day. Staring at his reflection in the mirror while brushing his teeth, he noticed that his complexion was better than it had ever been. He looked happier in general, with clearer skin, fluffier hair, and constant smile. It must've been the work of joining the volleyball club. (M/n) has never felt so protected and loved in his life. The members on the team actually cared about him. Everyone else only liked him because he looked easy to get in bed with. Or maybe it was just his appearance. Either way, the guys on the volleyball team knew his personality and hung out for him for who he was, and that made the omega happy.

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