20. The Beach House Part 2

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Noah POV

I could hear car doors slamming from the driveway before voices joined the mix.

'Looks like we have company', Mum grinned as she closed the fridge door and headed out to the front of the house to greet the cavalry, motioning for me to follow her.

'I feel sorry for you buddy – your are going to be so squished silly by your Aunt Rach and Aunt Clo but don't worry. Daddy will protect you', I laughed as I picked Nate up off the floor and swung him around in my arms. I was greeted with giggles and continued to pepper his face with kisses as we headed down the corridor and out the front door.

'There's my favourite guy....and Flynn!', Chloe squealed as she bounded over, dropping her bags in the process and taking Nate from my arms. He buried his face in her shoulder as he accepted cuddles from one of his favourite aunties.

'How was the drive?', I asked as I gave her a quick hug and then fist bumped with Marco, who grabbed her dumped bags and swung them over his shoulder.

'Pretty good. Nothing too major that we had to deal with. We couldn't wait to get down here. The weather is going to be great...gimmie five little buddy!', Marco held out his palm to a curious Nate who just stared.

'You guys staying longer than they day?', I motioned and he nodded.

'Yeah, the weather was too good to pass up. We'll head back late tomorrow night. Where's Elle?'

'Sleeping in', I motioned towards the house. 'Someone decided to keep her up all night....not me!', I laughed from the looks on their face.

Finally my Mum had finished her saying hello with Lee and Rachel and they quickly came over to see their nephew. As soon as he saw Lee, Nate held out his arms wanting to be taken. He loved his Uncle Lee.

'There's my little buddy! You have changed heaps', Lee laughed as he threw Nate up in the air, making my little boy giggle.

'I know, if he could stop that would be great', Elle called as she walked out to greet us all. She was still in her pyjamas, but she look much more awake than what she had a few hours ago. She did the rounds of hello's before Mum motioned for everyone to head inside. Nate with Lee, I held Elle back and pulled her in for a kiss.

'Morning', I mumbled into her hair as her arms wound around and linked behind my back. I heard her breath in before she looked up.


'How you feeling?', I kept her cradled in my arms as I heard her laugh, but it still sounded tired.

'I'm fine. I don't think I'm ever going to get a solid eight hours ever again, but I'm okay. I just need coffee. Lots and lots of coffee', I smiled as I kissed her lips and grabbed her hand.

'Let's get you some coffee Mama and then we'll see if the others want to head down to the beach?'

'Sounds perfect'.

Elle POV

It was hotter than it had been over the last couple of days and the sun felt truly amazing. The beach wasn't too crowded and it was a glorious day to be surrounded by our amazing friends and family.

Pretty much as soon as everyone got settled, they had changed into their beach gear and we had made our way down to the shore. I think Noah was grateful for the extra pair of hands to carry all of Nate's stuff. Speaking of Nate, he was currently passed out in the tent with his Dad, while the others were lounging around on chairs and towels.

'How amazing is this weather!', Chloe glowed as she ran her hands through her hair and tilted her face towards the sun. 'The wether is London is never like this'

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