15. Truce.

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Elle POV

You need to tell him, Elle. He won't like it but better that you tell him rather than him finding out or seeing him around town. Can you imagine what he will do? He will throw and absolute fit. He trust you, it's just Marco he doesn't trust'

'High School was a long time ago, Lee. He can't still feel the same. Besides, he knows I'm married to Noah', I swear I could hear Lee's eyes roll over the phone.

'He liked you Elle. I think more than you let on and I think feelings like that don't change no matter the time or distance. I know you love Noah. You don't have to justify that to anyone but Marco's intentions....especially after that comment....'

Lee's words kept running over in my head as I sat on the couch. My laptop was in front on me under the guise that I had hoped to continue working, while the TV played in the background. It had been a hectic day with patients and I was glad for the distraction. I had left Marco's business card at work, buried in a drawer. I didn't even want to chance it that Noah might find it in my bag.

I wasn't planning on doing anything. A lot of time had passed but I couldn't deny there was something there today. Did my heart skip a beat – yep. I groaned as I buried my head in my hands.

I loved Noah.

But Marco came into my life at a time where I needed something or someone. Honestly, was Marco just a fill for what I was missing with Noah, most likely? Did memories come flooding back every time I heard 'Lost in the Wild', play? Yep. I don't think I ever loved Marco, but I can't deny that I did have feelings for him and he knew it too. The only thing was, I loved Noah more. It was always Noah. It will always be Noah. Lessons were leaned from Marco and after High School we just drifted apart being in different parts of the country. He disappeared from social media and he stopped running in the same circles that we used to. But clearly whatever he had been doing, he was now back in LA.

I heard Noah's car pull up outside as I lifted my up and tried to lounge out on the couch. I would tell him, it just wouldn't be the first thing he would hear when he walked through the door.

I heard his footsteps before the front door open and closed and then he appeared in the hallway.

'Hey', he called as he spied me on the couch. His tie was pulled down from his collar and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. He looked delicious. He walked over and gently placed a kiss on my lips as he collapsed next to me and pulled me into his arms.

'Hi' I replied. I clicked my laptop shut as I shoved it to the other end of the couch. 'How was your day?'

'Busy. I'm freaking exhausted', he yawned as he began to play with my hair. 'Yours?'

'Same. Busy but productive. Hopefully tomorrow is a little easier'.

'Mmmm, what are we doing for dinner?' he mumbled. Honestly, I think he was about to pass out on the couch. He had his eyes closed and his head was on the pillow.

'Cravings?' I asked.

'You', I saw him smirk as I punched his chest.

'Honestly, Noah. Pizza?' and he nodded as I reached over and grabbed the phone and dialled.

Dinner. Then talk.



The remnants of dinner lay scattered on the coffee table as Noah and I relaxed on the couch. Noah's eyes were trained on the TV, soaking up the latest episode of some show that he was watching that he kept trying to get me addicted to.

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