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You returned with the dog demon hand in hand. Kirara leaping atop your shoulder as she smelt your scent, purring as you strached her under the chin.

The school girl walked out from the hut. You and Inuyasha stopped, afraid of what Kagome might say or do now that Inuyasha wasn't in love with her or Kikyo. But you.

No one spoke has she had a solemn expression. Was she ok? You let go of Inuyasha and walked closer to her. "Kagome I know how much you love Inuyasha. I'm sorry it turned out this way."

The school girl rubbed her forearm, "it's ok I mean...it couldn't be helped that was the situation. But I hope you are fine, Sango and Miroku told me."

"Uh yeah we are."

Kagome nodded. "I don't know if I should leave for good or not. My feelings are conflicting."

You sighed. "I've been there."

Inuyasha rubbed the nape of his neck, "Kagome...you shouldn't have to leave just because me and (Y/n) are together. But I guess seeing us being in love would be painful."

Again she nodded. "I'll stay until Naraku is defeated I'll just be spending more time in my era. Oh and (Y/n)."


Kagome weakly smiled, "Kaede said it's possible to pass on the beads of subjugation to you."

Inuyasha paled. "Hang on clearly I don't need to be punished."

That's when you and Kagome shared the same look when you stared at Inuyasha. "No you need to be kept under control when you go astray."

Kagome laughed a little, "I no longer wield that power. So now you control his spirit."

You grinned devilishly at him, "oh goodie so when you piss me off I can punish you."

"Aw come on (Y/n) I just saved you from certain death!"

You rolled your eyes. "You still have the amazing ability to annoy the shit out of people."

Kagome picked up her yellow bag that was at her feet. "Well I'll be going home now." You gave her a big hug, "I hope we can still be friends."

She pulled away. "I'm sorry but that'll have to end when we defeat Naraku. I just can't handle...this."

You felt like crying at her words, "um...I understand do you want to talk about it though?"

She swallowed down the lump forming in her throat. "No. I'm ok."

You hugged her one last time. "Kagome again...I'm sorry." Inuyasha draped an around your shoulder as you let the school girl go. Watching her shoot down the well not aware of her bottom lip trembling as she'd turned to leave. The tears streaming along her cheeks as she went home.

"It'll be ok. It'll work itself out." He said as he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead.

You layed your head on him, "will it though? She seemed pretty upset, was the rock really a good thing to happen?"

His brow furrowed as he gripped your forearms and stared right at you. "Whoa no! Look it sucks Kagome got hurt but it is for the better. At least nobody hates each other now!"

"I bet Kagome hates me."

He pressed another kiss to your nose, "no she doesn't she's just in a lot of pain because I fell out of love with her and she is finding it hard to get over me. If she were to hate anyone it would be me."

Suddenly Shippo appeared out of nowhere saying. "She doesn't hate anybody. She hates the situation."

"Oh hi Shippo."

Inuyasha glared at the fox as he was ruining an intimate moment. "Hey brat can you rack off."

You thought now would be a good time as any to see if the command would work. "Sit boy."

The necklace glowed and he went crashing into the face of the earth. "Uhh (Y/n)!"

You ruffled the young fox's hair. "Run along Shippo we do need some time alone."

He pouted. "Fine ok."

Inuyasha dragged himself off the ground and angrily punched your chest. "Ow! That hurt my boob!"

"Yeah well you deserved that I got enough sitting from Kagome!" He regretted doing that when he saw your face harden. He desperately tried to yank the necklace off.

You took in a deep breath.

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