Gaining new perspectives

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You ran into the hut and took deep breathes, god you acted like such a child there! The school girl had quickly followed you whilst the others still remained stunned. "I think we need to talk (Y/n)." You simply nodded.

You both now sat in the same meadow as you were before. "So why did you get so upset?"

You sighed, "like most people I'm afraid of dying but...after being almost crushed under that rubble I just...I hate the idea of me being gone and no one caring."

She gave you a weak smile, "I understand but I know people would care if I went. Like today...Inuyasha got very riled up at the thought he could lose me."

You wiped away another tear, " two have something special don't screw it up." You weren't sure why you'd forgotten that factor. Damn.

"But you keep composed under pressure Kagome, I understand how much you battle with."

The school girl nodded, "I'm glad you can see it..what about Inuyasha then?"

You raised a brow, "what about him?"

She rolled her eyes, "can you see he's not as bad as you think?"

This time it was your turn to roll your eyes, "he's not that bad to you! Maybe you need to experience a little more from my side."

The school girl didn't blow up, "I might not have suffered years worth of what you have but the way he hurt me without a second thought because I was you...I'm sorry."

You were taken aback, "I...I'm sorry too I suppose but this doesn't change-"

Then her head whipped to face you, "I was worried (Y/n)! So it does change some things and yes before I wouldn't have cared much're opening up to me, don't you see that?"

You swallowed a lot saliva, reminding yourself how temporary this was and being vulnerable in front of these people would result in nothing. You gripped your forearm, "well that was my mistake."

She didn't even get a word in when you stormed off.


A week had passed since then and nothing had really improved. Inuyasha came to check on you and Kagome tried to talk to you but you were never in the mood. Sleeping in or going out for late walks which everyone advised against.

You spent most of your time interacting with the locals, in Kagome's body they treated you pretty well.

Time seemed to stretch long, all you ever did was kill monsters ever since you learnt to fire her arrows in secret so they didn't question why *Kagome* couldn't use her arrows.

When you had finished from killing another creature who had a shard of the Shikon jewel. Inuyasha constantly staring at you, you shifted uncomfortably at the attention.

Finally you broke, "can I help you Inuyasha?"

He put his arms in his sleeves, "I'm just confused what's going on with you and (Y/n). Ever since you got stuck in the cave you've been weird."

You sighed and looked away, "I don't want to talk about I'm not the one with the problem."

He furrowed his brow. "(Y/n) is?"

You nodded.

He gritted his teeth, "should have known she wrecks everything."

Fire flooded your veins, "then kick her out of the group. It's not like anyone would give a damn."


"Have you maybe thought that she could be going through some stuff. I mean she almost died from falling debris. Then she had to put up with people who wanted nothing to do with her!"

He growled, "she wanted nothing to do with us!"

You slammed your fist down, "maybe because she hasn't met anyone she could trust and her heart is locked up!"

He flinched at the rising tone of your voice. "I didn't know you thought like that about her..."

You stopped yourself short, all these things happening so fast in only a matter of days. It was making you want to speak out and get your point across.

Inuyasha brought himself closer to you, "is there something you want to say?"

You rubbed your temple, "I just think you should give...her...a chance."

"She also spoke up about how horrible we are to her too. Maybe we should stop and take a second to consider it."

Your eyes widened, "wait- she spoke up about it?"

He nodded.

Kagome actually tried to stand up for you in a way, it seemed the school girl was learning things quicker than you were.

You found when you talked to Kagome it almost felt like talking to a...friend.

Inuyasha flicked your forehead, "stop zoning out."

You grinned sheepishly, he then sighed. "Look I'll...try to get along with (Y/n) I think we just started off the on wrong foot. Very wrong in fact."

You were taken aback. "Y-you will?"

"I did just say I would."

When the actual Kagome had tried to scold him about trying to get along (you too of course) he would never listen. But it took none other than an outburst from you for him to consider it.

The rest of them walked in and Inuyasha raised himself. He then suggested, "we've had lot of stress these few weeks I think we should have some fun."

Just then Shippo pumped his fist in the air, "yeah we should go swimming!"

Sango smiled, "alright looks like we are doing that."

Inuyasha held a hand for you to take, hesitantly but gladly you took it.

This book may be only up to 10 chapters because I'm not sure how to make it longer. But if it goes for longer then yay.

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