In each other's shoes

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The first chapter will include some text from the first part.

The group were doing a very long trek home after staying overnight at a temple. Miroku doing another one of his exorcisms, Inuyasha strached his ear as Shippo groaned. "How much longer do we have to walk til we get back to Kaede?!" Inuyasha looked to the small fox demon and huffed.

"You aren't even walking Shippo."

"I'm still very bored, pretty sure Kirara is too. I mean her expression says it all."

The twin-tailed cat ignored Shippo's statement, seeming to be completely content. "Yeah she totally does."

Shippo puffed his cheeks and folded his arms across his chest, "stupid dog." Inuyasha rounded on him like a tornado, "I'm not the stupid one! Stupid!"

Shippo gained a smug look on his face, "only someone stupid would use the same insult."

"Why you little-"

Kagome sighed and called out, "Inuyasha sit." His face went pale and he smashed into the ground. Both Shippo and you laughed.

"Ha ha very funny to see me be thrown to the ground isn't it?"

You stared at him with a gleeful expression, "yeah it is actually."

Inuyasha glared at you, "I dunno why any of us put up with you." That was a stab to the chest but you didn't let it show, "the same could be said about  you asshole."

Kagome rubbed her temple, "would you two just stop agruing for a single minute!"

"He started it."

"I did not."

Sango spoke up admist the negative air. "Guys I think we're lost."

Inuyasha cast his eyes towards the horizon, sniffing the air to see if the scent was the same. "I think you may be right, the change of direction in the wind must've thrown me off."

Of course this earned a remark from you, "that's because you have no brain and anyone but you should be leading  the way."

Inuyasha began to become extra aggravated. "And what, you'd be smart enough to know where your going from a place we've never been?"

A smirk streched upon your lips, "smarter than you."

The dog demon was about to pommel you but a giant foot slammed down in front of you. Everyone moved their heads upwards, an ugly, enranged ogre with a club in one grubby hand. The ogre roared and swung his club towards you and Kagome. He missed when you shoved Kagome to the ground with you.

Another roar followed, this time he swung the club agaisnt the earth. Which sent a massive vibration through it's core, resulting in an earthquake that forced the ground apart.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha called out as the ogre once again went to strike the two of you. Typical he was only worried about her.

You pushed the school girl towards the trees, "come on run!" Without any hesitation she ran along with you.

Inuyasha tried to go after you two since the orge begun to give chase. But another one of foul smelling creatures blocked his path as he narrowly doged a clobbering.

"We need to fight this thing before we can go after Kagome and (Y/n)!" Miroku shouted.

Inuyasha growled as the monk was right, for now he had to pray that Kagome would make it back alive. Because honestly he didn't really care about your snide, mean ass.

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