Just us

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Shippo did a bomb dive into the water, splashing everyone around him. Sango shouted at him, "Shippo try not to get everyone else wet!"

He popped his head up from underwater, "sorry! But you'll be getting wet once you hop in anyway."

The demon slayer dived in normally and Miroku followed in after. Kagome walked in and started a splash fight with Shippo. You glared at her, she shrugged her shoulders as if to say, what just because I'm in your body doesn't mean I have to be broody 24/7.

You sighed, thinking it was probably for the better as it would seem as if you'd lightened up. You took a breath and almost got in yourself until Inuyasha pushed you in himself.

You felt as the water cooled you down immensely. But that didn't stop you from getting angry and accidently throwing an insult at him. "Why did you do that mutt?!" Everyone turned to you including Kagome who was doing her trademark scolding face. It looked very weird on your features.

"Sorry I didn't mean that." You muttered and exhaled under the water, making bubbles rise to the surface.

Inuyasha seemed pleased with the apology and jumped in. Causing a wave to crash onto you and his friends. they all played like children in the lake.

Inuyahsa at one point grabbed you by the waist and spun you around. Also throwing you into the air a couple times.

A blush dusted your cheeks as he did this. When you landed in his arms like a bride you could feel his ripe muscles agaisnt your skin. You leaped out of his hold and covered your red face, darting your way to the school girl.

Inuyasha had a small disagreement with Shippo while you consulted with Kagome. " I'm going to hang around you for a bit."

"Oh ok, hey why are you red?"

"I just got sunburnt."

She crossed her arms, "you sure? Because your face is going red then back to normal."

"I. Am. Sure."

Unfortunately Kagome wasn't stupid and the moment she realised you groaned. "Wait...are you blushing?!"

"Well there isn't any other explanation is there."

Kagome laughed a little, "well are you having fun anyway?"



"I said yes!" You yelled it a little too loudly.

Inuyasha turned to look at the both of you, "Kagome are you ok?" The school girl had learnt to not respond but you had not learnt to respond.

Kagome gave you a swift nudge of her elbow. "O-oh me right, yes I'm fine."

He nodded and continued to argue with the small fox demon. "This will take some time to get used to."

Kagome added in. "Hopefully not too long."

You rubbed your temple, "it all comes down to us understanding each other."

"Well I understand the hurt you go through and you understand the pressure I'm under, so what could be left?"

The answer was obvious.

You both said in usion. "Inuyasha."

"Someone better stop those two agruing and I guess it's gotta be me."


So off you went, you managed to get Shippo to leave but Inuyasha struggled and you had a bit of hand on hand combat. Which the dog found strange but it resulted in, "sit boy!"

Dealing with Inuyasha was like dealing with a child! You wondered about earlier, as to why you felt embarrassed. Kagome thought it was due to never being held like that which was true. But in reality you were falling in love with him and neither of you knew it.


Everyone dried themselves off and left for the hut but Inuyasha called you over. You followed him as he lead you to a cliff top.

"What is it Inuyasha?"

The wind picked up speed as he started talking. "I wanted to chat with you about (Y/n)."

You fiddled with the hem of Kagome's weird clothes. "She seemed...more open today and carefree."

Well you knew the real reason but you let him continue on. "I think just letting loose and including her too made everyones mood a bit better." He mentioned only positive things, he kept talking as you began to think.

Kagome had splashed him too and laughed and smiled, which you couldn't even see you doing that in your real body. For you were always feeling battered and bruised. But today was fun, you for once felt...light.

"I just need to get her alone and see if she'll open up to-" he turned to her and his eyes widened. She was smiling, such a warm one at that too. It wasn't like he'd never seen her smile but something about seemed different, felt different. As if the smile Kagome wore were not her own but someone else's.

It made his heart flutter in a way nobody had made it before. Was this really a smile of Kagome's he'd never seen? She stopped being in a daze he guessed and looked up, the smile was gone.

She only stared at him confused and said, "what?" He then smiled too and said. "Nothing."


You snapped from your daze once that warm sensation had disappeared and looked up to the dog to see him already staring at you. You were confused, "what?" He only smiled and replied with, "nothing."

God that soft smile made your heart do flips in your chest. You moved your attention somewhere else so he didn't see the redness forming on your face.

"Let's return to the hut." You said while walking away.


"You heard me."

He caught up to you and you bantered the rest of the way with him.

You made a point to not be alone with him, especially when your heart was turning traitor.

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