An angy brocli boi Ch.3

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  Y/N pov

Is he cheating on me? Is all I could think of the recent photos, they weren’t before I came here, they were actually recent. I put the phone back to its original spot and went back to the girls of class 1-A. 

“So! Were there any funny photos?” Tsu asked, I nodded. There were photos of him making funny faces and stuff. “Yeah.. plenty of cute and funny photos..” I replied, still thinking everything over. 

I sat back in my spot while we continued to play truth or dare. “Ok, erm.. Tsu truth or dare?” I asked, Tsu thought for a moment. “Truth.” She said, I smiled, thinking of a perfect question. “What's the weirdest thing you have used your quirk for?” I asked, she thought again for a moment, I was preparing for something gross, or weird as I asked. “Pulled people to safety using my tongue.” the frog-girl replied. I nodded and we all continued to play truth or Dare until we all got tired and went to our dorms. 

I paced around my room, thinking. “Well it could be his cousin or something.. But I saw one picture of him hugging her in a way that made it seem they were dating, and his face was so close to hers.. And there was one-” I was caught off by a knock at my door, but I was already wearing my pajamas.. And the shorts for it were pretty short.. Whatever. I went to the door and answered. “Hello? Oh! Hey Izu-” The broccoli haired boy looked angry. 

“Y/n! Did you go through my phone!?” He asked, I was surprised by the anger in his voice.

 “.. I-I just did a d-dare the girls had me do..” I stuttered. He just looked angry and annoyed. 

“Please don’t do that again.” He seemed to calm down when I replied that way.“A-are you ok??” I asked, fully opening the door, forgetting that it had only been cracked before. “Yes, I am fine Y/n.” Izu answered as I invited him in. He took the offer and came into my dorm.

“Sorry for getting so mad..” He said. I shook my head. “It’s fine.. I shouldn't have looked through your phone..” I replied, looking down, embarrassed, and sad that he took it to offense. “Hey! Dont feel bad!” Izu hugged me, I hugged back, we stayed this way for a while before I kissed his cheek.

“I love you.” I said, he smiled. 

“I love you too!”
425 words
Hey guys! Sorry for random posts, but I havent really been updating because I have been getting into other fandoms, but I am trying to keep myself committed to this one! No one is probably reading this-

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