New information Ch.4

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Y/n's pov

Izuku seemed to be more suspicious after this, as he changed his password on his phone, and when we would usually spend a lot of time with each other, he started to leave early, coming up with excuses such as his mom was having company over at the house and he had to be there, or he wanted to train more, etc.

I had to stop myself from following him, telling myself he wasn't being suspicious, and this is normal for him. But, no matter my thoughts, deep down I was really scared that he likes another girl and fell out of love with me. He can't leave me.. Not like other people.. He won't! He can't! Right??? Right!

"Y/n-chan?" Uraraka snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up at her.

"Hm?" I hummed in response, Uraraka smiled. "Come on! Remember? We were talking about all the girls sneaking out tonight and going to Yayourozu's dorm!" Uraraka exclaimed, I thought for a moment then remembered. "Oh yeah! I'll definitely be there! I don't think Hagakure's gonna be there though.." I stated remembering Hagakure saying something about not being available tonight.

"Aww, that's a shame. But Mina's gonna bring the real party, it's always fun with her around!" Uraraka responded, we kept chatting until we both went separate ways.

~Time skip to night because I lazy~

I quietly came out of my room, going to Yayourozu's dorm. On the way I saw Tsu and Mina and the three of us entered the room. There were drinks (NO ALCOHOL DRINKS) and snacks. Uraraka, and Jirou were already there, of course Momo was too. "Hey girls! Help yourselves to anything! There's tea, biscuits, and a lot of other things! But we need to keep the noise down." the black haired girl explained. I nodded with a smile and grabbed some tea and thought of something. I wonder if Uraraka still likes Deku... With this thought I went over to the brunette. Uraraka was smiling while texting, and when I came over she quickly put her phone in her pocket. "Hey bestie! What do you need?" The girl questioned, I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand. "Hey! Sorry, I know this is a weird question but.. Do you still like like Izuku?" I questioned her, she blushed and nervously laughed. "Well- kind of.. But!! I understand he likes you and I'm fine with it!" She responded with a smile. I smiled back. "Ok! Just wanted to know!"

She still likes him and it was evident in the show Izuku likes her.. interesting..

Stuck with Deku(Part two of 'Deku in our world (Dekuxreader'))Where stories live. Discover now