Truth or dare turns interesting Ch.2

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Your POV

"I'm booorrreeeddd!" I complained. Mina looked at me and laughed. "Y/n. come on! Let's just hang out!" She yelled. "Ohhhhh! Let's play truth or dare!!" Hagakure yelled, I smiled as everyone agreed to do so. We went to a different room, Mina's room, because her room is comfy, and honestly cool!

So, we started playing Truth or dare, there were a lot of funny ones.

"Tell your crush you like him~"

"Send a dirty text to someone in your contacts!!"

"Who is your favorite person in class 1-A?"

You know, just dares and truths, but one really got me.

"Y/n! Truth or dare?" Uraraka asked me with her pink cheeks smiling. I sat for a second and decided. "Hmmm.... Dare!" I said, she smiled. "I dare you to look at Deku's photos on his phone!!" She exclaimed. I shrugged and agreed.

I walked down to the room where Deku was hanging out with some of the other boys,I was moving stealthily around so they didn't see me and saw his phone. His phone was the type to have a passcode, I wasn't ever nosey, but Izu gave me the password if something ever happened, or if I got bored and wanted to play games on it.

I did the password and started scrolling through the apps before I found pictures and clicked on it.

I giggled as I looked around to make sure no one was looking and started looking through photos, most of them were normal, pictures of All Might and pictures of dogs. But as I got further, my smile faded. There were pictures of him with another girl, blond hair, green eyes...

Is he cheating on me?
286 words
Hey! I am SO SORRY I have not been posting much! I've been trying to come up with more ideas for this, but have also tried to keep up with school, and do other things I enjoy! Pleasse forgive me! But I hope you guys liked this!

Stuck with Deku(Part two of 'Deku in our world (Dekuxreader'))Where stories live. Discover now