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(OK! IN THE LAST CHAPTER I MEANT Y/N WAS RUNNING TO URARAKA! There was an error bc I was LITERALLY writing the story before I had to get to school and there were a lot of things on my mind so there was a slip up! My bad!)

I ran to Uraraka. 

“Ochako!” I yelled as I went to her. “Why did you send Izuku this edited photo?!” I yelled, holding the photo up on my phone. (Deku sent you the pic) 

“Huh? Y/n? What's going on? What edited photo??” Uraraka said as she looked at the picture. 

“You sent it to him! And it’s fake! Why would you do it!?” I questioned the brunette. She looked at me, confusion in her eyes. She looked at the photo. 

“I never texted that Y/n! I swear!” Uraraka yelled. I just looked at her. I can’t tell if she’s lying.

“Well.. did anyone use your phone?? Does anyone know the password??” I questioned. Uraraka thought for a moment. 

“Maybe.. I think a few of the girls know.. I don't know which ones though..” She looked like she was determined and deep in thought. I thought too.. Who would do something like this??

“Whoever is doing this doesn't want me and Izu together… Was there anyone using your phone? Or anyone that knows the password??” I questioned her more. 

Uraraka thought for a moment. 

“I did leave my phone on the girls locker room bench for a little while I was changing.. But all of the girls from our class were there!” She exclaimed to me.

“Someone set you up.. You looked like the best person to pin the blame on because you have a crush on Izu.. sorry for taking him by the way!” I told the brunette. She smiled and shook her head. “It's fine! You guys are adorable with each other! When will you have kids~” She made me break out with blush.

 “O-Ochako!! We- I- We’re too young!” I exclaimed to her. She just giggled.

 “Ohh waiting till marriage~” Uraraka replied. 

“YES ACTUALLY! Anyways.. Maybe we should ask someone to help?” I questioned. Uraraka tapped her chin for a moment, thinking. 

“Maybe.. Yaoyorozu.. And.. Mina!! They’ll help us!” Uraraka smiled. I agreed and we ran to Yayorozu and Mina.

I’m getting to the bottom of this…

Stuck with Deku(Part two of 'Deku in our world (Dekuxreader'))Where stories live. Discover now