!!FINALE!! Ch. 8

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We ran to Yaoyorozu and Mina. I am still wondering who could have done this.. I don't think Uraraka did.. She’s my best friend.. But then again I’m friends with almost everyone in class 1-A but which one of these ‘friends’ has set me up? We got to Yaoyorozu.

“Hey! Where's Mina?!” Uraraka asked, Yaoyorozu smiled.

“Hi Uraraka! Y/n! She’s busy right now, do you girls need something?” The black haired girl asked us.   “We just want to talk! We need help!” I said just getting to the point. Yaoyorozu nodded and opened her dorm door.   “Come in, let's chat.” She replied.

We made our way inside and all sat down, Momo made us tea. “You have a very nice dorm, it looks so luxurious!” Uraraka complimented,  looking around at the items in Momo’s room.     We all started talking when I saw something. 

Magazines… wait the girl on the front looks familiar… whatever

We all started chatting, about things going on and funny stuff, but then we started getting serious, and talking about what me and Uraraka came to talk about. 

“So.. you think someone has set you up?” Momo asked, I nodded.  “I know someone has… but I don't know who.. Or even why someone would.. I don't think I’ve done anything to make anyone mad..” I explained. Momo nodded. “I see.. Well I will try as best as I can to help!” Momo exclaimed, me and Uraraka nodded. “Have you heard any gossip lately? Anyone saying something bad about Y/n-san?” Uraraka questioned. Momo thought for a second. 

“Well… Uraraka if I’m being honest you were the last one to say something rude about Y/n!” Momo said looking at the brunette, I looked surprised. 

“O-Ochako??” I questioned looking at her. The girl tilted her head. 

“What are you talking about??” Uraraka questioned, Momo rolled her eyes. 

“You said you were jealous.. That she doesn't deserve Deku..” Momo replied.

I just looked at Uraraka. “Ochako.. I thought you were my friend…” I said, looking at her. Uraraka shook her head.  “I am!! I said that when you first came!! Not recently!!” Uraraka exclaimed. 

I looked back at the magazine and realized something.   “Wait a minute. Momo where’d you get this magazine?” I questioned, momo looked at it. 

“Oh! I’m the only one here who reads it. One of my favorites!” She answered. 

“ This… this has the girl that was edited into Deku’s picture…” My eyes widened and realization as me and Ochako looked at eachother.  “YOU DID IT DIDN'T YOU!?” I yelled standing up. Momo seemed to stutter as Uraraka stood up too.   “Why though!?” Uraraka exclaimed. Momo sighed and got an angry expression. “Uraraka deserves Deku!! Not you Y/n!! You ruined it!! They would have looked so good together!! I just thought if I turned everyone against you Ochako and Deku would be together!! And you would be alone!!” This spoiled girl yelled.


“Well… now everyone will be against you..” I said with a smirk. Momo rolled her eyes. 

“Oh really? Who will they believe.. The stupid girl who came through the portal.. Or the more known nice girl who they’ve known for a while?” I smirked, I was recording the whole time. 

“Annnd! SENT to the class group chat! Thanks for that Momo! Goodbye!” Me and Ochako left the girl, stunned. 

The whole class found out, Deku and I have a bond as strong as ever, and everyone loved me more. Things are happily ever after! 

I wonder what will be my next adventure here...
I'm already working on another fic, I hope you guys enjoyed this story! God bless you!!

Stuck with Deku(Part two of 'Deku in our world (Dekuxreader'))Where stories live. Discover now