Nine - Consequences

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Sitting on my couch, I have never felt more uncomfortably pleased.

Admitting that Drew and I slept together in his old bedroom was making me feel uncomfortable. But the pleasure it brought was intense. It was even weirder admitting that I liked it.

After yesterday, Drew and I kept our silence when he drove me home. He told me we'd talk about it today since there was too much going through my mind at the time.

So hearing my buzzer ring, was something I was not looking forward to.

When I opened the door, Drew walked in without looking at me.

"Okay," he started. "About yesterday... I'm really sorry. I didn't think I would kiss you or anything...but you were standing there and you looked so nervous, and I--"

I cut him off this time with my lips on his. it was a quick kiss, nothing long or slow.

"Now we're even," I said.

Drew'a eyes were wide, as he swallowed. Sitting down and taking a deep breath, he said, "Holy crap, Mary. What did we get ourselves into?"

I sat down next to him, making sure there was some distance, and sighed, "I have no idea. Don't take this the wrong way, but it didn't feel wrong."

He looked at my eyes this time, "You think so?"

I nodded, feeling my heart picking up its beat.

He leaned in a little and whispered, "Just to make sure there's nothing there..."

"Yea, so we know it was just lust..." I added.

He got hold of my lips and kissed them slowly. I put my hands around his neck, and he put his hands on the small of my back. I pulled away, trying not to get to carried away.

Drew had an unreadable expression in his eyes and it was driving me crazy.

"So? Was there something there?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Did you feel something?" He asked, looking hopeful. It was kind of adorable.

I shrugged, currently at a loss of words.

He sighed, running a hand through his perfect hair.

I did not take my eyes off of his as I slowly leaned in and pecked his lips for a minute.

He looked at me strangely for a moment. All I needed was a look in his eyes that can tell me whether or not he has any feelings for me.

And then I saw it. The sparkle in his eyes just as he closed his to kiss me back.

In perfect unison, we said, "I think there is something there."

Standing up, he kissed me again and pushed me against the wall. When he left my lips for my neck, I asked taking deep breaths, "What do we do from here?"

He was in inch from my lips when he said, "We'll just figure it out."

He connected our lips together and I almost forgot what I wanted to say, until I pulled away, "Drew, I don't think it works like that."

He was trying to give me a hickey. I felt it. I pushed him away, "Drew! Think about the consequences."

"Mary, you can't always think about consequences. That's not the way everything works," he said, getting annoyed and heading towards my neck again.

I pushed him away, "Not thinking about consequences can be bad, so maybe thinking about them all the time isn't such a bad thing!"

He sighed, backing away. "Fine, Mary. If that's the way you want it..."

He turned to get his jacket.

"What? Where are you going?" I asked, confused as ever. I don't want him to leave! Why does he have to make things complicated?

"I'm giving you what you want and it's obviously not this, since it would create too many consequences."

Why did I feel like crying?

When he opened the door, I said, "No, Drew. Wait!"

But he left and my eyes were getting warm and my vision was getting fuzzy.

This is exactly what I didn't want.

Crying over Drew Johnson.


Sorry that's so short, but I felt bad leaving chapter eight with a cliffhanger sorta so... Yup.
I think I'll update soon :)

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