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"You heard him, Lou. He is not going to put us together." - Emily said once we got out of Harry's class and we started walking towards our next class.

We still had half an hour of break. 

"Em, we are going to show him that we are the best, he isn't going to doubt a second about putting me as your partner. Besides, together we are hot as hell."

"Oh, shut up." - She laughed.

"Seriously, Em. Don't freak out, I can always talk to Claudia."

"Isn't that going to make us look spoilt or something?"

"Nah, leave that to me."

We walked together to the contemporary dance class, just down the hall.
Once there, we sat down on the floor and stretched again, just to keep our muscles warm.
Niall entered the room and sat by our side.

"Hey guys."

"Hi." - Emily replied.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" - I asked.

"I'm playing piano in this class today." - Niall replied.

"Cool. I hope you don't deconcentrate me." 

"Never." - He said and I rolled my eyes. - "How was your first class? I heard that Harry Styles was there." - He wiggled his brows.

"He was." - I said sharply. - "And he already hates me."

"Really? I'm surprised, you are so charming." - Niall said sarcastically and giggled. - "But apart from hating you, is he nice…?"

"He is endearing." - I said sarcastically.

"Oh, Shut up Louis." - Emily said. - "He is strict, but he is a beauty." 

"Well, yes. I have to give him that. He is hot." - I admitted.

"Besides he is way younger than Mr. Brown." 

"He's just three years older than us, and he fucking danced all around the world already, he even made his own ballet in Berlin a year ago." - I sighed. - "He's got it all."

"I don't know why he took this job. He is not retired." - Niall said.

"I don't get it either. Maybe he is just looking for new talents?" - Emily said, a trace of hope in her voice.

"We wish." 


The class was as good as usual, our contemporary teacher, Mrs. Galoto, loved me. So she put me in front and asked me to show some exercises for the rest of the class.

Liam was sending me death looks the entire time. He was jealous, and It was hilarious.
He even tripped in a simple pirouette en dehors. 

His usual dance partner and girlfriend, Maya, helped him stand up and wash his frustrated look away.
Good for him, at least someone likes him.

By lunch time, after we changed into normal clothes, Niall, Emily and I went to the coffee shop in front of the Academy to have some ice tea and something to eat and not starve to death the rest of the day.

Our dance classes had ended for today and we only had left the boring ones, such as French and Dance History. 
Boring. Completely boring.

I only had one thing in mind now, I was going to pay a visit to Claudia before French. I needed to convince her to talk to Harry. 
Emily and I belong to dance together. That wasn't negotiable.

So after lunch, that's what I did.

I went straight to Claudia's office and entered without knocking on the door.

"Hello Auntie." - I smiled at her.

"Hi Boo. How was your day so far?" - She said while looking through some papers on her desk.

"Could have been better."

"What happened?"

"Mr. Styles wants to change the couples for the class."

"Well, he must have his reasons, darling."

"But I need to be Emily's partner. You know that."

"Lou, I can't tell him what to do."

"Mmm, actually you can. You're his boss, remember?"

"Louis." - She cut me.

I sighed.

"Ok, but can you just try to talk good about us and persuade him?" - I pouted and she sighed.

"I'll try. Not promising anything." - She looked up from her paperwork. - "Just try not to get in trouble with him. Remember that I told earlier today that there were going to be more surprises this year?"


"Well, Harry is going to pick four dancers from your class in a few weeks, to perform the nutcracker under his direction. Then he will continue making projects for those who had picked. He is actually very loyal to the people he picks, they become his protégées. So if you are between those four, you'll have a job until you retire."

"Are you kidding me?! This is huge!" 

"No, I'm not kidding. But don't tell anyone. Not even Emily. I still hadn't said it to the rest of the Academy."

"Ok, sure."

"Something else you need, hun?"

Suddenly the door of the office opened again, showing Harry on the frame door.

"Can I come in, ma'am?"

"Sure, Harry."

"I need to discuss a few things with you."

"Of course, Mr. Tomlinson was just leaving."

Harry looked at my direction for the first time and locked his eyes with mine, frowning.

"What was your name again?"

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"He's the best dancer here." - Claudia rushed to say.

"No, he is not." - Harry said still with his eyes locked in mine. - "I am."

"I meant as a student." - Claudia giggled and tried to light the mood.

"I know what you meant." - He smiled falsely at her.

"I'll just leave." - I mumbled and walked to the door, passing by Harry's side with my head down.

"He is a good kid." - I heard Claudia say before I closed the door. - "He has a bright future."

"He is too soft for this." - He answered.

I froze.
Excuse me? I was too soft?
Me? Soft? What the hell did he mean?
He doesn't even know me. He only saw me once.

God damnit, this is going to be harder than I thought.

I wanted to keep listening behind the door, but they would discover me. Besides, I still had to make it to French class.

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