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First of all.
This chapter contains smut. ‼️
And I'm not very good at writing it, so put up with it.

Hope you like it though.
The picture above is how I kinda imagine the rooftop, but without the sea behind it. Imagine that it's above a city and not the sea.

That's pretty much it.
Love you all
Mag 🦋


I took Harry to the rooftop with an uncomfortable silence installed between us.
I was walking in front and he was behind me, I didn't dare to look back. I was too afraid he would leave.

There was a lot of tension in the air and I just kept replaying in my head what had happened between us a few moments earlier again and again. I was freaking out.

"Here it is." - I left out the air I didn't know I was containing once I opened the rooftop door.

Harry looked around and walked towards the edge, watching the night lights of the city below us.

"It 's beautiful."

"Yeah, my friends and I come up here often."

"Any chance they are going to come here tonight?"

"I don't think so..."

"Good." - He smiled.

He got closer to me and cupped my cheek. He analyzed my features, stopping his gaze over my lips.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

This was so wrong, I was so worried, but also at that moment I didn't care at all.
But I guess it showed in my face, because Harry noticed.

"Are you ok with this?"

I nodded.

"Can I kiss you then?"

I nodded again. Great timing to be shy, Louis.

Harry giggled and leaned over me, pressing his lips on mine.
My fingers were fisting onto his shirt. Then I leaned on to kiss his jaw and then lips again.
His hand slipped into my sides, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer, he tilted his head and pushed his tongue into my mouth.
I lifted my hands, intertwining them on the back of his neck.

Our lips and tongues colliding was the best feeling I've ever experienced.

His hands kept squeezing my sides and kept dipping his head and kissing harder on my lips.
He then left my lips, sliding down to my neck, leaving wet kisses and licking on my skin.

I tilted my head to give him more space, letting a little moan out of my mouth.
I lowered my hands again, slipping them under Harry's shirt.
He giggled and returned his lips to my mouth, kissing me rougher this time.

His fingers ran through my back gently reaching the hem of my shirt, he rubbed his fingertips in circles over my skin below my shirt and then he moved one of his hands to my thigh.

He bent down a bit and picked me up with ease. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started walking backwards.

I split my lips from his' and buried my face on his shoulder, to kiss and suck on his collarbones.

"No hickeys there, Louis."

I smirked to myself.

"Then where?"

"Just wait." - He laughed.

I placed a few more kisses on his throat and neck, without leaving marks just yet.

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