2. Kabir got married ...its time to leave the house.

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" Why are you staring at the picture ? " asked Appi

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" Why are you staring at the picture ? " asked Appi. Even I don't know why I am staring at it....maybe trying to make myself realize that they are truly married and I don't have any place in his life from now on.

" Nothing  Appi ...." I tried to lie but my sister always knows ,so its pretty useless to lie in front of her. Kabir is in honeymoon with his wife ....okay he was in Kashmir and I out of my jealousy did something bad to her but that didn't worked out and they became more close.

Zara forgave me for this once but my image got ruined in front of Kabir and I can't live with his anger. They are in their honeymoon phrase and me crying with my broken heart . " what happened ? , tell me ? , I can't see you like this.....rukshar. " she said with a broken voice.

" Appi If I want something from you than will you give me please ?" I asked, I have made up my mind and I will do it.

" Excluding Kabir I can give you anything. Just not him , he is gone from your life try to except that. " she told in a serious tone.

" Appi ....send me far away from here , someplace so far that I don't have to see Kabir again, Appi here I can't forget him , here everything will remind me about my loss and it will suffocate me." I requested her with folded hands , warm drops falling like rain.

" Rukshar.... Where can I send you ? And why will you leave the house? I promised mom to take care of you and that I will do , and what will you do alone ? " she asked me.

" Please , my mental peace is highly disturbed here and with them it will get worse. Please Appi help me out , I don't want to do anything stupid and make it more difficult for you. " I pleaded with my all heart , I just want to get out of here , once and all forever.

" Appi you remember Razia aunty of Bhopal ? " I asked her. She nodded and told " of course she is Bahu begum of Bhopal , she was good friend of our mother, why would you ask about her ? " she asked with curiosity , cause now she can solve my shelter problem.

" I did my M. A on ' human psychology ' and now I want to do PhD on this subject so that I can help people with ' psychological' problems , people like me who are going through a rough situation and instead of fighting they give up and do stuffs which is never good for them. I have taken admission in Bhopal university.... Please Appi talk with her. " I suggested her and this time she sat silently and that's I think is a good sign.

" If that's what you want than I will talk with Razia begum about it and send you as soon as possible. Have you applied to any university? When your classes will start ? " she asked me. Yes, finally I can be out of here , I said " yes , I did a few days ago. Not classes but my entrance exam will take place on January 15 , after a month.  " I told her.

" okay than pack your things and let me see what I can do. Let me talk with your bhai about it and than I will let you go. " she told but I know Appi will manage others , now I must think positive and do positive work no more evil rukshar.

" Thank you Appi " I hugged her tightly , I will miss her the most , from childhood she was my sister my mother , my everything and I will not make her feel ashamed for me. I will make sure she feels proud to be my sister.

Khalid ( POV)

" Shaadi Mubarak hu bhai. " I wished my brother happiness, today he got married with the girl whom I loved from my childhood. But its okay she never loved me back , I think it was for the best.

" Bhabi....congrats " I whispered, she gave me one of her dazzling smile where her eyes sparks like distance stars of the sky blinding me with its beauty and told " Itna thanda Mubarak baat ( such cold reaction ). " ' Apni mout pa nagarah dajauh kya ? ( should I play band on my own death ? ).

" I will give grand party you just wait. " I told and she playfully with the end of her veil hit my arm. We all laughed but my mind is very hazy. Ammi talking in phone with someone and by what I can hear I think we will soon have a guest to attended. 

" Khalid .. " Ammi is calling me , I rushed over to her and sat beside her, she is Bahu begum of Bhopal. You can say she is lioness of Bhopal. My inspiration and my strength my Ammi.

" Ji Ammi .." She looks sad, hope there is no bad news. " sorry beta , don't think ammi don't love you. You tried to hide but I know you love Noor but the situation was so complicated that I had to make her marry with Azaan." She said and took a pause.

" You must feel bad and think Ammi doesn't love you but that's not true...." She would have continued but I stopped her .

" I am not angry with you Ammi. Noor was my best friend and I knew very well that she always loved Azaan bhai and when shayra bhabi died he was a mess, I am happy that finally my bhai is happy and back on his feet's. So don't worry I am not angry with you. " I told her , ensuring that everything is alright.

" what about you my boy ? " she asked, that's the best part of being son of Bahu begum, you can see that side of her which is hidden from the world. I told " I will collect myself and move forward in my life. I am son of Razia Aktar Mirza , Bahu begum of Bhopal Khalid Aktar Mirza, I don't fear anyone. " I told her dramatically.

" I am proud of you Khalid. " she told and gave me a hug and than we planned about some functions that will take place just after nikah.

" oh, Khalid infrom haseena to clean the room of second floor , we are soon expecting a guest and she will stay for a long time with us , she will attended university of Bhopal and will stay here, tell her to make sure the room is clean and suitable for a student. " she said and before I could ask more she left for work. Well , I guess we have to wait and see who is the new guest.

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