9. wedding invitation from sen family... fun vacation with khalid.

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" Good morning beautiful " I called Zara when she was about to hit the table with her head since she is still sleepy. She smiled and told  " You calling me beautiful.... missed looking in the mirror or what ? " I must say she is funny.

" I asked my mirror ' Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the beautiful girl in the world ' you know what my mirror said ? " I asked her. She smiled and asked " What ? " I sat beside her and told " The girl who is sitting with sleepy eyes on the dinning room is the most beautiful girl in the world. "I said dramatically and we both laughed.

" Let's take a selfie together. " she said pulled out her phone and we took several pictures together. We really don't have many pictures together. I think I will post it in my insta account.

she put her phone on the table and told " Bhabi told me to talk with you about

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she put her phone on the table and told " Bhabi told me to talk with you about....about coming home. I know you are studying and I am not taking you forever just for the vacation rukshar. " And their you go the same convincing story started.

" Zara...I don't want to go back now. " I told her. She took my hand and told " Is it for me ? I feel so bad sometimes. Are not coming home for me ? Rukshar I don't want to exclude you from my family, I want to be your family. " she said with teary eyes. Here you go our crying beauty.

" Don't cry I told you its not your fault. I am just not ready. " I told her handing her a handkerchief. " Its not easy for me to go back in that house but that doesn't mean I wouldn't go...I will go but just not now. " and that's the reality. She sniffed and again tears came out from her eyes.

" Stop those water fountains or the mansion will drown..." I tried to joke , bad try I know. " what happened ? " came Khalid's voice. He roaming with a card and his coffee. I told him " Nothing just got little emotional. " and he nodded. He sat near Zara's chair.

" Bhabi, I wish I could say don't cry you look ugly, but you look soo beautiful while crying ......you are breathtaking . " said Khalid and Zara laughed at him , that flirty boy I tell you. He is really something but I am glad that he helped me lighten the mood.

" I was explaining her to go home with me but this girl doesn't agree. " complained Zara. But before Khalid could reply Roshni Aunty came out with her bag. She seems all ready to go back...that soon ?

" Aunty are you leaving ? " I asked her and she nodded. " Their is an emergency at home....nothing very serious but I have to be their. I wish I could explain but I have to take a long journey. Khalid don't forget you have to bring everyone. " I didn't understand but Khalid understood.

" Let's see you up to the gate than. " said Khalid and we followed him. Aunty insisted to go alone so Khalid didn't followed her or he would have dropped her to her destination and came back. We decided to sit in the garden.

" Why she left in such a hurry ? " asked Zara. " Roshni Aunty's  best friend Mrs sen has helped her when she was in problem. Even Ammi helped but the sen family was huge help. Before dying Mr sen made will for his son's and the wills are really complicated. For Arnav sen , younger son of sen family its written if he doesn't marry Khushi sharma.... Roshni Aunty's daughter by 28 or something age than his property will go in charity and that's the reason she is heading home. " he said.

" That's really messed up. " I told him looking towards the gate as if I could see aunty through the bars. " Mr sen had good intentions for his actions , he wanted to help Mrs sen. " said zara and that's right.

" But at what cost ? Now both of them may have to be in a relationship where their is no love. " I told them and Zara looked down with sad eyes just for sometimes than recovered herself. Looks like I need to do something about it.

" So what has she decided ? What's going to happen ? " asked Zara to Khalid. He handed us the envelope he was holding. Zara took the envelope and ripped opened the cover and we got our reply.

" Card already made

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" Card already made..." I asked looking towards him. " Actually aunty came to know about it yesterday. And she told me about it , Khushi sharma... She is my best friend and I know the moment she will look at the card she will get so mad....I love to tease her. " he said.

" you are impossible Khalid. Now who are invited for the wedding ? " I asked him. " Everyone but ammi and bhai will go on wedding day but since its my friends wedding I will go as soon as she calls to scold me....you will go with me. " he said , the last part of his speech wasn't a question but its best to attended wedding than going home.

" Getting married for a will...." I said and gave Zara a meaningful smile. " You wish..." She said and laughed. Khalid didn't made any comment. Slowly , slowly everyone woke up and the whole house became lively again.

Evening 7:30 p.m.

" Appi...you really have to leave that early ? " I asked her once again standing near her in the Airport. My family is going back. Only Zara and Kabir will be staying for few more days , actually Razia Begum needs Kabir for some ceremony and that's why they stayed back.

" Jaan , we have to but I will see you soon. " she said trying hard to hide her tears. I hugged her and we cried a little. I kissed Jhavad in his little cheeks and told " Mashi will see you soon dear. " I hugged Alina and showed respect to aunty and uncle.

After sometimes they left , we sat in our car for coming back home. Khalid is driving , Zara and Kabir sitting in the back almost emerged in themselves and she thinks he needs time to understand her feelings ....nonsense. But still a tinge of pain burning my heart.

" Its going to be OK. " whispered Khalid holding my hand , that little pain left and my heart is at peace again. I holded his fingers and my mind is more relaxed than before.

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