4. New town , new family and hopefully new me.

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I did every formality , took my bags and stood to wait for the person who is coming to pick me up. I know him , he is the younger nawab of Bhopal. Appi has given me his picture but why is he still not here ? , Did he forgot ? , let me start looking.

I started to look in the crowd for this face , in this city of unknown people he is the only know - unknown person I am looking for

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I started to look in the crowd for this face , in this city of unknown people he is the only know - unknown person I am looking for. Suddenly my phone buzzed as I got call from an unknown number. Should I pick it ? , I did it anyway.

" Assalamualaikum , I am Khalid Aktar Mirza , I actually came to pick up in the airport but not getting you....can you tell me your exact location ? " asked a deep but still a pleasant voice.

" waalaikumsalam, I actually came out the airport , currently standing in front of the taxi stand. " I directed him perfectly and I think I saw him. He waved his hand and came towards me and took all bags from my hands and told " Sorry you had to wait. " I explained him that it is not the case and we together came near his car.

Rest of the journey we didn't talk much. His house is big , like the kind you see in movies. We went inside the building , people working without making noise, the royal furniture and everything so perfect.

" Actually , Ammi and my siblings had to go an event , as my brother is recently married but they will meet with you in the evening , till than I will be your host. " he told, I nodded and followed him.

" This is your room , if you need anything changed do let me know , actually I was the one who decorated it for you but I don't know your taste so...feel free to tell me if you don't like anything, that thing will immediately be changed.   " he told , and that's really sweet of him.

" I don't wish to change anything its really beautiful

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" I don't wish to change anything its really beautiful... thank you. " I told him , he smiled and put my things inside the room. He than called out for someone " Haseena.... Haseena. " as he called a cute girl with a little cubby appearance arrived. She is just of my age but looks cute for her cubby cheeks.

" Haseena , you help her with whatever she needs , and make sure she gets a nice lunch. " he said and turned towards me and told
" I have to join my family, I am so sorry but you have to be by yourself here for an hour or two , make yourself comfortable and I will see you soon. " he told.

" Don't worry I will be fine. " I ensured him. " khanbaba , I will manage everything don't worry. " she said with a certain glow on her cheeks, and I know that look very well.

She likes him , now I wonder do I look that cheesy when I talk with Kabir ?....yaak that's bad. Khalid left and I am my own person.

I unpacked my things and with haseena's help I got fresh and eat my lunch. I ringed my Appi and told her about my safe arrival and how much better was I feeling. Zara messaged me and I chatted with her for a while. Haseena checked on me for the fifth time asking weather I need anything.

" Haseena wait I have something for you. " I told her and went near my bag pulled out the box of chocolate that I was carrying with me and handed it to her.

" For you

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" For you....thank you so much for your help sweetheart. " I told her. Her face glowed with happiness and mine with satisfaction. At least someone who is not disgusted to talk with me. She left with a happy smile after thanking me thousand times.

The lesson I took from my past mistakes is we should always respect others , my ego shouldn't get better of me , I should be humble and respectful. And I will do my best to maintain this persona.

Since no one is back , I came in the hall to walk a little and their I saw a family picture which looked a odd to me. Haseena was Dusting some vase in the hall  , she caught me staring at the Picture and did the honour of introducing the people in the frame.

" Let's star from Azaan bhai  the nawab of Bhopal , than with him his mother in law who passed away recently for an accident, with her is standing ex wife of our Azaan bhai even she had a bad ending, than its Razia Aktar Mirza , Bahu begum of Bhop...

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" Let's star from Azaan bhai  the nawab of Bhopal , than with him his mother in law who passed away recently for an accident, with her is standing ex wife of our Azaan bhai even she had a bad ending, than its Razia Aktar Mirza , Bahu begum of Bhopal and with her Noor Aktar Mirza , new bride. " she told and that made me confused.

" Nusraatbee , was caretaker and good friend of Bahu begum, her daughter is Noor. Noor , Azaan bhai and khan baba were best friends from childhood . It was decided that Azaan bhai should marry Noor . Everything was ready but Azaan bhai loved sayarah and married her. After that many events took place , Nusraatbee died in an accident and shayra begum next..." She stopped as her voice became heavy with emotion.

" Haseena .....why Khalid is not their in this picture ? " I asked her. She looked at the picture and told " He was not in good terms with everyone like he is now. Khanbaba loved Noor begum but she never loved him...  So he was out of the family for few years and recently came back. " That's an interesting news , that's why I thought Khalid looks just as broken as me.

" Haseena tell me more about it ...." I asked and her expression became like why should I share it with you ? " Your khanbaba is so kindhearted and good why luck has betrayed him ? " I told and it worked like magic and she told me everything about this marriage drama and deaths. And here I thought I was the only villain of my story.

As we finished talking I heard the sound of door opening , haseena rushed to welcome the family. Its my first time meeting with the Bahu begum of Bhopal , I hope everything goes well.

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