3. Starting of a new chapter of the book called life.

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Rukshar ( POV )

2weeks later

" You really want to go ? For studies? Are you sure about it ? " asked Zara while I was packing my bag, I nodded and kept doing my work.

" Don't think I am insulting you , I am really concerned about you. " she said , okay she got me wrong and its not her fault our relationship is like that. I sat beside her.

" Zara I grew up here in my Appi's house with kabir. All my life my appi and others told me that I will get married here..and that made me dream... dream of something impossible. " I told her , the truth that I want her to know.

" That dream of marrying kabir , to be his wife has shattered. And I can't explain you how much it broke me. And the actions I took for my broken heart ... they're not good. " I told her.

" Zara I am not mad at you but these days what I do is not normal, my mind is going crazy and that's not good for my health. So I think it would be better if I just stay away from all this for few days. " I told her and started packing my bag again.

" If it's for your good then I will not stop you from going but do keep in touch okay. " she whispered, I laughed and said " I am that part of your story where you fall in love , if we physically don't meet also you can't forget me. I am the villain of your Story darling. " I told her and  laughed bitterly at my own joke.

" You're not the villain rukshar, you can never be , you were in love and the person who can love can never be a villain. " Said Zara in a comforting tone.

" Enough emotional talk , I am almost done with my packi. But I do need some passport size photos and Xerox of my documents. Appi has still not brought them. " I told her. Appi said she will get them for me but she is late.

" Bhabi brought some but since she had to go out she gave them to me , let me just go  and grab them. " she said and left the room.

Maybe , she is not that bad , maybe just for jealously I disliked her , maybe we can be friends in future .  My train of thoughts broke when I heard a knocking sound in the door. I turned and saw Kabir is standing on the door.

" Zara just went in her room Kabir. " I told him , he nodded and told " I came to meet with you, can I come in ? " he asked. Still the gentleman that he is.

I nodded and he came in the room standing little uncomfortably. He stood silently , me counting every minutes of silence. Once there used to be times when I used to beg for such moments.

But that those moments are here the time has changed so much. I don't know what to say to him. I am curious though...why is he here ?

" You sure you will not stay here ? " he asked and trust me my condition is so bad if he offers to stay probably I will not leave with death himself. And that will be bad , very bad.

" Rukshar, you want to live with some people you don't know leaving your sister ? , what will the world say we can't even afford a girls expense ? " he asked, right Something broke inside me with a loud bang. But somehow I needed it.

I don't know why I am feeling so sorry for Zara right now ? . He doesn't even know how to express himself does he ? The poor girl has to work so much on him .

I turned towards my bag zipped it and told " Kabir you know why I am leaving . And the family I am shifting into is a renowned family , so don't worry. My Ammi used to know her and we grew up playing at her house.... and I think its time we start focusing in our lives separately. " I told him .

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