8. Birthday special : A friendly match ( part 2 )

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Rukshar's ( POV )

We played for a while in the garden and Khalid and I entertained Jhavad for sometimes. We let him win several times to keep that guy happy. Must say Khalid is really nice with kids...impressed.

After that we came inside for lunch , a lavishing lunch is prepared for the guest , the dinning room is smelling heavenly. I was not but here now I am quite a foodie.

We eat together gossiping and laughing together

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We eat together gossiping and laughing together. Roshni Aunty is very sweet , she is funny and I quite liked her. She told us many stories and we really laughed so hard on them. She talks a lot about her daughter Khushi and I think she loves her more than she shows.

After lunch I sat with Zara in my room and she looks little tired. But still she smiles so I asked her what happened ? She said " Its nothing, Kabir is little difficult to handle , and we have another one waiting in the line for fighting. " another one ? Who can that be ?

" I am sure you can handle her , you're good at it. " I told her and she laughed dryly than told " With you I never had to worry about kabir's safety but with her now I am concerned. " she said with tone full of worry.

" Its going to be alright, I know you will figure out something soon." I told her , we discussed more about the topic , and well I gave her few tips about how to handle it

" That's evil...very bad. " She said with sheer horror in her face. " That's your man that she is trying to snatch and you're being gentle ? " I told her. " Makes sense ". She said and we sat in silence . A gentle knock on the door and than Appi came in our room.

" Appi you don't have to knock before coming in my room. " I told and she smiled at me. " See what your jijuh got you for your birthday jaan. " she said pulling out a beautiful dress. Its just beautiful , I can't take my eye of it.

" I loved it Appi

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" I loved it Appi ...thank you. " I told her. I gave her a tight hug, she told " Hurry up , wear it and come out with Zara. " she told and left. " Zara see, will it fit ? Its a good fit right ? " I asked her , she nodded.

" Let's get you ready birthday girl. " she said and helped me get ready. When we were done we came out and the whole hall changed within few minutes.

Their were decoration and everything ready. I can't believe my eyes , they did so much for me. I feel so touched. Tears came in my eyes , I never thought that someday even I will get love from others.

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