Nice to meet you

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5:34 am
Shuhua was already awake, she was just sitting at the edge of her bed looking at the wall. Is her first day on her Job she has to be there by 8 am. She took a deep breath and looked at the clock.
~ 5:35 am~ only one minute have passed.
She stands on her feet and walk to her closet, she opens it only to be greeted by White blouses in different designs, dress pants and blazers. Shuhua is a stay home person while Yuqi is a Stay out person.
They know each other since Elementary and never got separated from each other. Shuhua was not picking up her clothes to go to the bathroom when she hears a thud and laughs with herself she knew Yuqi was getting late; She walks to the bathroom and goes take her shower calmly. Yuqi was being so loud Shuhua could hear grunts and even curses in Chinese. The water was gently touching Shuhua's Milky skin, the gentle touch or lukewarm water and the smooth goat milk soap it was relaxing the younger.


Yuqi yelled and Shuhua smiles.


Shuhua yells back, she finally finishes her bath and dries her self now passing baby lotion on her body.
After that she dresses herself and styles her hair in a ponytail, brushing her teeth carefully and grabs her mist to put on her purse, she gets out of the bathroom finding Yuqi putting her sneakers on and with a Apple in her mouth.

- Yuqi-ah... Be careful!
Shuhua say looking at Yuqi hoping while Putting the sneaker in.
Yuqi then was ready and had called an Uber, She goes to Shuhua and caresses her cheek.

- I'll pick you up to have lunch, okay?

Shuhua nods and Yuqi goes to the door walking out of their apartment. Shuhua then went to have her breakfast; 3 slices of apples , 1 bottle of water and 2 crackers. After she finished she went to the bathroom again to brush her teeth.

7:34 am
Walking on the side walk she remembered her boss profile said she likes Iced Americano, as soon as Shuhua saw the Starbucks sign she went in as she still had time she bought an Iced Americano; now in front of the company building as soon as she enters she was welcomed by many people not really knowing what was going on she presses her Staff Card on the machine allowing her to enter the elevator area. She hears the commotion of multiple staffs making a line in both sides and bowing to the figure who seemed to be walking in slow motion, her hair looked so gorgeous, straight long black hair just like Shuhua's. Seo Soojin, it is her... Shuhua was now fast to greet the woman.

- Shuhua, right?!

Soojin said without looking at the girl and taking the Iced Americano from her hands assuming it was really hers .

-Yes, Ma'am.
That was all Shuhua could answer at the time. She didn't really know what to say. They kept silence until the elevator was finally in the 11th Floor.

- Follow me , please.
Soojin walked in a fast pace to her Office and Shuhua went right behind her. Both entered and Soojin sat on her chair putting her purse on the table and Opening her MacBook quickly.

- Please, take a seat.
Soojin speak once again and Shuhua finally sits in front of the older and Yet with a cold expression Soojin continues.

- Hwa Kang Arts School, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Speaks Chinese,Korean and English fluently. Why did you choose that Job?

Shuhua felt just like in her interview day, she was scared to answer it wrong.

- Well, I always wanted to be a model but I never really found the opportunity and I really love Fashion so I applied for the job.

Soojin nods with a really faint smile.

- Well, I hope you enjoy and have the patience, you will have to be with me almost 24/7 on work days.

Shuhua chuckles and only nods again.

- I don't give up easily in anything I do, don't even worry.

- Okay, You may go now, Oh at 11:34 order me Fried Chicken.

- Okay, Ma'am.

Shuhua leaves and Soojin goes back to her work.

11:34 am

Shuhua just finished ordering when she gets a message from Yuqi,

"I'll be there are 12 pm exactly ! "
That brought a Smile in Shuhua's Face and she went back to work. The security calls her to ask about the guy delivering and she tells them to let him up. Once She grabs the Fried chicken she looks at the time 11:58 am. She knocks on Soojin's door.

- Come in!
Soojin says and Tells Shuhua to put on the table by the end of the Office, She obeys right away and feels her phone vibrating.

- Miss , Is my lunch break, before I go is there anything you would like me to do?

- No, Is Alright. You may go now.

Shuhua feels her phone vibrating again and She Answers while getting our of the office.

- On my way Qi, see you soon.

Soojin looked at the girl that was now picking up her purse before going to the Elevator.

" Of Course she has someone..."

That was Soojin thoughts before looking to her MacBook again .

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