Now we are together

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The working day was dragging, Shuhua had to go around the company the entire day, she even skipped lunch. Her head was hurting at this point but she didn't want to give up. She sat down feeling a little dizzy. There were no much workers left and then she decided to enter Soojin's office that had her blinds down making impossible to see inside. Shuhua did not knock but once she was in , Soojin was sleeping with her head on her table. Shuhua walked calmly but she was really dizzy at this point she just saw things becoming black and collapsed. The loud thud made Soojin woke up and saw Shuhua, she ran to the girl now. On the floor she got her in her arms and laid her on the couch.

- Shu, shu... wake up...
Soojin started to caress  Shuhua's cheek, giving her small kisses. Shuhua was slowly getting back to her senses, that's when she encounter Soojin's eyes and gives out a faint smile.
- You woke up..
She said and Soojin urged to hug her.
- You almost gave me a heart attack, did you eat today?
Soojin asked looking on how pale Shuhua's lips were at the time.
- I had bread this morning...
- Okay, let's go home. I'll cook you some delicious food. 
Soojin stood on her two feet and gave her hand out to Shuhua who gladly took it, they looked at each other for a couple of seconds and Soojin kissed Shuhua slowly, not taking even 2 seconds Shuhua was moving her lips in the same rhythm slowly both got out receiving some looks, Shuhua was having Soojin's arm around her waist while her arm was on Soojin's Shoulder to help her walk, Soojin grabs her purse and walks to the elevator, people were slowly looking at them with confused expressions, but Minnie, MoMo , Tzuyu and Jennie all knew that the bet has been won by at least two of them and all they wanted was to Minnie announce who did win.
- I am sorry but, nobody won, not even me....
- It has been like 2 months since Shuhua is here ad they are already together...
Minnie said.
- Boss u bet 3 months so I mean... You are the closest.
Momo said
- You know what, everyone here is going to the restaurant with me, my treat!
Minnie said and the girls were cheering not loudly.
- Best Boss!
Tzuyu said and put her hand over her mouth
- I hope se did not listen...
Minnie said and the others walk away back to their duties.
— Shuhua's apartment—-
Shuhua knew Yuqi would not come home tonight, so she just told Soojin to sleep over. Soojin of course accepted; Calmly Soojin was at the kitchen doing Shuhua's favorite Seaweed soup.
Soojin yelled from the kitchen waiting for Shuhua to appear, which didn't happen. The soup was almost ready, Soojin turned the oven off and walked cleaning her hands on the apron, She quietly walked to the room seeing Shuhua Sleeping, She smiled at the newly bathed Girl. Slowly she kisses the naked shoulders as the girl was wearing a sleevless shirt .
- Babe, come on. Let's eat and then we sleep.
Shuhua whinned a bit but stood up not too long , Soojin walked with Shuhua by her side.
- Please, let's eat baby, you are looking so weak...
Soojin started to get very worried about the sudden change on Shuhua.
Shuhua otherwise new very well, tho she was just a little afraid.
- Jin ah... I am okay!! Don't worry.
Shuhua said pumpering her girlfriend with kisses all over her face, Sooji giggled and once they sat she made Shuhua's a bowl and sat beside her feeding her quietly.

Yuqi Pov
- Yes father...
Yuqi said taking a deep breath.
" She has to come back Yuqi... Otherwise she will die...."
The sound of hanging up blasted through Yuqi's ear and he sat on the dark studio Illuminated only by the neon lights on he booth area. She and Soyeon were working late and Soyeon was now downstairs getting their food, when Shuhua's dad called Yuqi, tears streaming down her cheeks, a small sting on her chest.
- i wish I could save you.... I wish I could...
Yuqi was vulnerabel, this time she wouldn't hide, she couldn't hide.... This time there is really no way to save her...
Sorry for the small chapter !!! But still a lot of story to come...

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