Part of the Job

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Today wasn't going well for Bernard. When he arrived at Santa's workshop for so he might double-check everything before the Elf Academy graduates arrived for their introduction from Mrs. Clause, he'd teleported into the toy-making department to find the place in complete chaos as the toymaker elves scrambled about attempting to realign the conveyor belt which had come off the track while tripping over broken toys, many of which he or Santa would end up fixing later, if not completely tossing the items.

Worse, helping the toymaker elves clean up the mess took time, particularly since Bernard set about fixing the conveyor belt as the head of the research and development department, Quinten, was currently on leave for self-study. He in turn found himself reversing the improvements a certain number two elf made under the presumption he was improving the systems.

After fixing the conveyor belt, Bernard stood up and looked at the silver pocket watch carried in his side satchel. His mouth twisted, mentally noting how the disaster in the toy-making department ate up a good chunk of the morning. Instead of continuing his morning rounds, Bernard teleported to where Curtis was as there was still time before he needed to be where he needed to be.

The reason for that's morning's disaster now glared at Bernard, far from pleased at being called out by the head elf yet again. "What!"

"Care to explain what I discovered in the toy-making department this morning?" Bernard stood there, clearing his throat, crossing his arms while glaring back at the younger elf. Curtis' eyes blinked as if realizing something went wrong.

"I was just doing my job."

"Doing your job?" Bernard let one eyebrow rise. Curtis interrupted him, explaining rather lengthily why he felt it was his job to make improvements while Quinten was on leave which in turn left Bernard tapping his foot with impatience. When Curtis finally ended, he simply said, "Last time I checked, destroying the toy department wasn't in your job description. Which, Curtis, is what ended up happening, so please leave any machinery improvements to Quinten, myself, or Santa in the future."

Curtis continued to pout. "Wow. I've made like one mistake in nine-hundred years! One!"

Bernard's nostrils flared, having heard the same argument from the young elf before knowing full well he'd made more than one mistake while working at the North Pole. "Plastic Santa?"

"No fair! You were equally at fault if not more for that one!" Curtis snapped, continuing to glare at the head elf while letting his arms across his chest, his bottom lip sticking out.

"Excuse me?" Bernard knew where the accusation came from; he was in fact head elf. For that reason, he at times did catch himself blaming himself despite knowing he'd objected to the plastic Santa plan when Curtis suggested said plan. Worse, the other elves were stopping and staring. Bernard wanted to believe they knew Curtis crossed the line, yet there was a bit of paranoia that they might believe as the head elf he was at fault.

"You're the head elf!"


"Seriously! Why is it you're always yelling at me!" Curtis complained, acting like he was some kind of victim, particularly when Bernard hadn't yelled at the younger elf and simply raised his voice slightly to make it clear with Curtis he meant business.

Taking a deep breath, Bernard reached into his side satchel, pulling out a silver pocket watch to check the time, and swallowed, noticing that Mrs. Clause would in only a few moments do her introductory speech for the new elves joining the workshop all intents of arriving back at his place before Mindy arrived to drop off her things going out the window "Curtis, I really don't have time for this."

Elf in the Shed (Santa Clause/48 Christmas Wishes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now