Christmas Crashed

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A crashing sound resounded through the shed. Dust that seemed to have accumulated for a few years clouded the air. Through the dust, Mindy couldn't see Bernie or Cam as she coughed from all the dust, but she did hear others coughing. She leaned up against the wall she bumped into, her eyes shut tight until the dust cleared, yet another reason she couldn't see Bernie or Cam.

Her elf ears also picked up the sound of unfamiliar voices coming from what Mindy assumed was outside the shed, as she didn't see anyone else in the shed when they landed.

Mindy's eyes opened, hoping to access the situation when she realized something resulted in them teleporting away from Bernie's house to some unknown location. "The Christmas Spirit Cracker?" The young elf said this out loud just as she heard the door to the shed open while her eyes looked back in the direction she'd seen Bernie and Cam land. "Bernie? Cam?"

Mindy swallowed, realizing that the shelf had indeed fallen onto the two, but she saw it move as her older brother moved the shelf aside, off of both himself and Cam, but from Mindy's point of view, Bernie pushed Cam so that he was underneath him when the shelf fell. Cam's eyes blinked, pushing himself up from the ground. "Mindy?"

The sound of the door opening made her turn her head to see a boy with short brown hair and a girl with bright red hair. Opening her mouth. "This isn't what it looks like. We are most definitely not elves from the North Pole randomly transported for some mysterious reason into your garden shed."

"Yes, you are," the girl with the red hair said, glancing over at the mess while the boy looked over at the mess in question.

"Woah. This is a really big mess," the boy said, far more phased by the mess than he was by the presence of Christmas elves, yet Mindy hoped that was because he, unlike the little girl she assumed was his little sister, wasn't so inclined to believe Christmas magic was unfolding in front of him.

"Um, yes. It's most definitely a very big mess and I promise that we'll have it back to the way it was and be out of your hair very shortly." Mindy swallowed, thinking that none of her time at the academy prepared her from actually dealing with humans.

"Mindy?" Cam repeated. "Where are we? We're not in your older brother's place anymore."

"So you are Christmas elves," the boy said while Mindy let out a sigh of frustration. The little girl's eyes were glued on Bernie, her lips pushed together for some strange reason, yet Mindy brushed it aside. Little kids were little kids, nothing super special about them.

She did know that they weren't supposed to reveal themselves to humans unless they were permitted a higher up, such as Santa, Mrs. Clause, or even the head elf himself. As such, Mindy opened her mouth to say they weren't elves when Cam said, "We're most definitely Christmas elves."

"Cam!" Mindy face-palmed her forehead. "You know that we can't let the humans see us."

"Oh yeah," Cam muttered, while Mindy started contemplating the reason her brother hadn't yet spoken. "But how are we supposed to get home?"

"We'll help you," the boy said, much to Mindy's surprise. "And I can keep a secret. I mean, how hard..."

"Blake!" someone called from outside of the shed.

"Yeah, I'm Blake by the way," the boy stated.

"I'm Lucy," the red-haired girl said.

"Nice to meet you," Bernie muttered from where he stood. Mindy's attention turned back to her brother. For some reason, one of his arms hung limp at his side while his other hand touched his forehead as if he had a headache.

Elf in the Shed (Santa Clause/48 Christmas Wishes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now