Stress of Magic

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Bernard braced himself for a lecture from Santa regarding his earlier conversation with Curtis. Instead of lecturing him, Scott headed behind his desk and rummaged through one of the drawers for something.


The head elf reacted quickly, his hands reaching up to catch the item thrown his way. Bernard's eyes drifted away from Santa to the item now in his hands, taking in the green and red ball which squished between his fingers. Glancing up again, tucking his hands and the ball behind his back, Bernard looked over at Santa who now sat down. "A stress ball?"

"Sit." The command made Bernard's mouth twist, knowing full well Scott wouldn't ask for him to sit unless there was something serious to talk about. Behind his back, he absentmindedly played with the ball Santa tossed him. "Bernard, sit."

He complied, resting his elbows on the armrests as he did so, fiddling with the ball in his hands while his mouth pressed together. "So? What is it you wanted to talk to me about Santa?"

"A little bird told me about this morning's conversation with Curtis."

Bernard's mouth twisted, even more, his fingers still playing with the ball Santa tossed his way. "I figured as much. It was in front of the new recruits after all."

The corners of Santa's mouth twisted. "Well, there is that. I was actually more concerned when I heard you told Curtis you weren't his older brother?"

"Because I'm not?" Bernard frowned, the ball still in his fingers. "Actually, why would I say something like that?"

"Then you don't remember saying that?"

"No. I..." The ball suddenly dropped from his fingers into his lap, rolling away, the fact he indeed said such a thing clicking in his head.

"Ball!" Scott barked, almost as if panicking. Bernard stood up, quickly rescuing the object from the floor before sitting back down. He looked at the man, unsure of what he should say regarding the matter. This time, Bernard crossed one leg so if he dropped the ball again it would stay in his lap which in turn meant Santa wouldn't get on his case for not holding onto the object, whatever the reasons that might be. "Mindy."

The ball dropped into Bernard's lap, his breath sucking in. He closed his eyes, expecting that his teleportation magic might kick in and take him to the worst possible location.

"Mindy Elfbright is one of the new recruits this year, isn't she?"

Bernard's eyes opened, realizing he'd not teleported despite having felt a slight pull as his emotions flared. "Yes."

The response was unusually meek for an elf typically sure of himself as he did his job, but so was how he didn't look Santa in the eye. "Look..."

"I'll handle it. I..." Bernard swallowed. "I honestly should have handled it years ago. I just..."

Santa interrupted him. "You know, as unbelievable as it may seem, Charlie and Lucy don't always get along."

"What?" Bernard found himself confused regarding where the conversation was going.

"You heard me."

"But they're never on the naughty list for that!"

"And neither are you."

"Elves don't get put..."

"You know as well as I do Curtis has, others do as well. But that's beside the point."

"No. The point is I've got a messed-up relationship with my family," Bernard muttered. In the back of his head, something felt off, as conversations involving family always from what he remembered triggered accidental teleportation on his part. The exception was his home where wards were in place to prevent him from sleep teleporting. He let out a harsh laugh. "I, Santa's head elf, have the worst relationship out of all the Christmas elves with my family which is definitely not in the spirit of Christmas."

Elf in the Shed (Santa Clause/48 Christmas Wishes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now