Worried Santa

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"I'm worried about Bernard." Scott didn't know how many times he would have to say that.

He'd said those words multiple times to Carol, who shared his worries about a certain head elf who tended to overwork himself, of putting others before himself; the fact Bernard did put his others before himself did make the estrangement from his family odd. Something told Scott that action was just yet another way Bernard was being Bernard. He knew this despite not asking for details.

Scott also brought the fact he was worried up with Quinten, who knew a bit more than he did. The head of their research and development department hinted in the letter he sent with the anti-magic stress ball that Scott wasn't off in thinking Bernard was putting his family's interests before his own, let alone being hard on himself like he always was. As such, he found himself quite glad that he'd had the object made.

More importantly, Scott knew all of that was boiling over with Bernard's sister coming to the North Pole; he'd found out that Mindy was Bernard's sister from Judy, though she too didn't want to venture into Bernard's private business. None of them did if it weren't for the fact they were honestly worried about Bernard's mental wellbeing, let alone the physical strain he found himself under.

As such, it made sense for him to tell Bernard to take the day off. It made sense to have Judy go and take Bernard some hot chocolate. She wasn't surprised that he asked her to do this, given the fact she too was worried about Bernard's wellbeing. "I heard via word of mouth that there was another incident between Curtis and Bernard this morning."

"He told Curtis that he wasn't his brother," Scott sighed. "He's really stressed out about his sister being here." Of course, she'd been into the office, Mindy had. "She was here just a bit ago, asking why I put her in the letter department."

"Why did you?"

"Bernard did." She said something that bothered him. "Does Bernard's family really not know that he is the head elf?"

Judy startled. She then said, "Yes?"

Scott looked at her, perplexed by her tone. "You speak as if this is an off-limits topic."

"That came up?"

"Mindy was quite adamant about their family always being toymaker elves, but she was under the impression the reason he put her in the letter department is that he wasn't a toymaker elf."

"Oh dear," Judy frowned. "You told her that it was Bernard's decision?"

"I didn't exactly know that they didn't know he was the head elf. You'd think his family would be proud of him."

"Well, look at how well Bernard communicated with Curtis this morning, though I'm not sure that really explains the situation. No. I don't think it really does. I mean, outside of Curtis he's really good at communicating when it comes to the job, but you know how he is when it comes to socially interacting outside of the job."


"Well, he doesn't talk about it, so I can only surmise that he had trouble getting a word in when he did go and visit them in the past, but he always came back feeling..." Judy frowned.

"I know how Bernard can be down on himself," Scott sighed. "It stems from his family situation?"

"It stems from being born with a rare ability that set him apart from other elves his age, even caused disasters. I mean, there's a reason his home has the magical wards. It's to prevent him from accidentally teleporting while he sleeps. It was far worse when he was younger, even after he'd first become head elf actually. Family of course only exasperates the knowledge that he knows he's different. And, he's always struggled as I said with socializing with other elves his age."

"He doesn't think he drove the elves his age away?"

"No. I don't think so. I hope not, though to be honest, I'd not really thought about that. It's just, complicated."

"Anyways, I sent him home to rest, but I was hoping that he and Mindy might talk, though..." Santa sighed. "I may have made things a bit worse. As I said, I didn't know the details regarding his family. That said..." He looked at her, giving her his best Santa begging for something look knowing it would work every time. "Could you perhaps take him some hot chocolate? Your hot chocolate always lifts our spirits, Judy?"

"Of course. I'll be the first to check in on him." Judy left then, but soon Carol came into the office, sitting in the chair that Bernard once occupied.

"How did it go with the new recruits?"

"How did things go with Bernard?"

Scott blinked, looking at his wife. "That's a rather odd way to answer my question."

"Well, how it went with the newest additions to our staff is that it went quite fine, though they did see Curtis and Bernard arguing. Some of the girls have taken a shine to Bernard."

"He's rather oblivious to that," Scott mused.

"He seemed quite upset," Carol cleared her throat. "Didn't you tell me that his sister was joining us this year? I could barely get any information regarding his family, just looks of confusion."

"Bernard keeps to himself as you know, but, no, that's not going well. Thanks to Curtis he missed meeting Mindy this morning as he wanted, but I sent him home. I might have also made things worse."

Carol gave him a baffled look. "How?"

"I learned that his family doesn't know he's the head elf."

"What?" Carol shook her head. "But he's so good at what he does? That said, how is..."

"Mindy said something about their family being toymaker elves, but Bernard broke the pattern. And, I might have let it slip that Bernard put her in the letter department. As for the reason why, I didn't know, but I doubt it was because he didn't become a toymaker elf that he wanted to prevent her from becoming one."

Carol tapped her fingers. "Could it possibly be because she's lacking something he thinks a toymaker elf needs? Something that he thinks she'll learn by being in the letter department. Because I suspect Bernard would know the expectations let alone Mindy's wishes, but I'd also think as her brother he'd want her to be the best toymaker elf she can be. In fact, the family expectations would make him even more inclined to make sure she does it right."


The door opened, startling them both as Judy hurried in, but she quickly closed the door behind her. Carol spoke first. "Judy, is something wrong?"

"Yes. Bernard's not in his home."

"Bernard wouldn't disobey an order."

"I don't think he did." Judy sounded as if she were going to cry or wanted to yell. "The anti-magic wards are missing."

Elf in the Shed (Santa Clause/48 Christmas Wishes Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now