First Fight

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A/N Yay! Another update! Hope you enjoy!

Dedicated to @bubbles050 for reminding me to update!


        How could I have been so stupid?

        I thought he loved me.

        I should have known, with his habits, it would be hard to break his 'playboy' attitude.

        What was I thinking? He wasn't my type. He might have been a good man, but a horrible romantic. He was the type to take a girl out to a fancy restaurant, get her flowers, and then never call her back.

I should have known, all those girls, I was only another one of them.

        I laid down and stuffed my face into my pillow in my apartment at Central. Tears began to soak through, and I let them until I couldn't breathe easily anymore.

        I flipped over and took a deep breath, and I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I wasn't the type of girl he went out with. Why was I so surprised when I saw him with another girl?

        I wiped my face off with toilet paper, and blew my nose.

        I couldn't be crying over him. That was a weak thing to do. I was just another loyal pawn, but to be his pawn I had to be strong. Something I was more than willing to be. He didn't love me.

        Gah, I couldn't be thinking like that! After all those words he said to me, it was so hard to just watch him go and  kiss another girl.

        I sat down on the toilet lid, frowning. My face was red as I recalled what had happened earlier that day.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

        It was the day after our little talk. I had taken a walk around the hospital to clear my head, and as I walked back I heard talking inside. Ever cautious, I peeked in through the window blinds, and Roy...kissed a giggling nurse on the cheek. That same nurse that had been flirting with him the entire time we'd been there, but he kept pushing her away, asking for water or food or to use the restroom.

        I understood. He was acting around me, the whole time. But then another, prettier girl came along and, voila, he was probably spewing more romantic crap to her than he had to me. I huffed and turned around, trying to look angry, but I ended up starting to cry. Why was I crying?

        I wiped my eyes, took a deep breath, and regained my composure. I turned toward the door and slammed it open. I cleared my throat. Roy seemed surprised, then guilty, as the nurse looked up and blushed, before grabbing her clipboard and leaving the room. I crossed to my hospital bed to grab my things. Somehow, I could tell he knew it was me, because he looked pretty scared.

        "Riza? I-"

        "I'm going home, sir. I think I'm well enough now."


        "I already have the discharge papers signed. Worry about yourself."

        "Riza, I can explain, I only-"

        "No." I stopped and set my stuff down. I walked over to his bed. "I don't need you to explain it to me. I understand." Yeah, I understood that he needed someone who he could be with, since I was 'untouchable' by law. He needed something tangible, something he could pretended to love like he had me.

        "Lieutenant Hawkeye!" he yelled when I picked all of my things back up from my bed.

        "Yes, sir." You could tell by my voice that I was hurt.

        "Wait here and let me speak to you."

        "Is that an order, sir?" I could tell it annoyed him when I called him sir.

        "Dangit, Riza, of course that's not an order. Go do whatever you want to do." He held his head in his hands. "I just want to tell you-" I cut him off by slamming the door behind me.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

        I knew it was a bad idea to leave without telling the hospital or getting the discharge papers, especially since my neck wounds were still healing, and I was scarred in multiple places, but Roy really...the General really ticked me off. I couldn't stand being near him anymore.

        Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I looked back into the mirror and wiped my eyes again. I stood up and sighed, then walked to the door. When I opened it, I immediately shut it again, seeing who was there.

        "Riza, please!" It was Roy.

        "What the heck are you doing here, General? What do you want? You're still injured, it's dangerous for you to be out alone." Crap, I hadn't meant to sound concerned for him.

        "I had Lieutenant Ross escort me. Please, I just want to talk to you." I opened the door a little bit a peeked my head out the door. Sure enough, she was standing a ways down the hall, far enough so she wouldn't be able to hear us.

        "What is there to talk about, sir? You obviously have made your intentions very clear when you kissed that nurse." I guess I was being a bit mean, but he deserved it. He kissed her. On the cheek, yes, but a kiss, nonetheless.

        "Riza! Would you just listen to me? I did it to keep up appearance! It's not like I had any feelings for her!" 

        "It's not like you have any feelings for me, either! I'm just another one of your one-and-dones, aren't I?" I whisper-yelled to him. "It's not like you ever have feelings for anyone, you just kick them to the curb after one date!"

        "That's because I only date them to make it look like I like them! You should hear some of the rumors they say, like that we're secretly married, we're part of a murderous cult planning to overthrow the government-"

        "Not far from the truth-" I interjected quietly.

        "Yeah, and I couldn't keep those going around, or else, sooner or later, someone would figure out I'm hopelessly in love with you. You, especially couldn't figure out. I had to make it believable."

        "Then why did you kiss her? No one was watching!"

        "Seriously, Riza, we shared the same room, do you honestly think no one would be suspicious? I kissed her cheek because she'd spread rumors, and eventually, people will be saying I did a bit more than a kiss on the cheek. That's the entire point. Make them think I'm not interested in you."

        "That sounds like a bunch of bull to me. Like you cooked up some explanation on the way here. You're just saying some romantic crap to change my mind. Then you'd cheat on me again-wait, you didn't even cheat on me this time, we never really were officially a thing! I bet that's what you were telling yourself when you were kissing that nurse."

        "God, Riza, can't you see that I am in love with you? If I wanted to, I could have kissed that nurse on the mouth, but that would be betraying you!"

        "You could have at least told me before you went cannoodling with that girl-"

        "It's not like I planned to do that when you left, she came in and I took my chance! I didn't know when the chance would come again! Who would want a blind man?"

        "Me! I was planning on staying with you when you-" I cut myself off. I was getting off topic. "I mean, seriously, Roy, I feel like you were using me. I'm hurt, and I need some time to think about it."

        "Would you at least come back to the hospital? I need be there and heal up a bit. You can't just come home, especially without discharge papers from the hospital. Please."

        I considered it, before opening my door all the way and telling him to stay. A moment later, I had grabbed my things and was locking the door behind me.


A/N *Phew* this was a hard one to write. What do you think is gonna happen with Riza and Roy?

Thanks for reading and reminding me to update!

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