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A/N Am I a day late?

Oops, sorry

You know how busy it is with school ending and stuff, so many tests and concerts and projects. I could have sworn I had another day to write this.

Oh well. I guess here's another update, then!

Also, please tell me if there are spacing issues. The drafting pages for stories are weird now and I don't tell if you can tell the difference between paragraphs.


Roy's P.O.V.


"Ahhh!" I heard screams of terror as the building began to burn in front of me. Good. Let them come to me.

As the first few people came out the front, I saw their eyes widen in fear-can I just say how great it is to see again?-and I kept my smirk on my face.

I saw one of them turn to the others and motion for them to sneak around me. I realized they still thought I was blind, so I decided to play along. I kept staring toward the door, but watched them out of the corner of my eye.

I almost laughed. Even if I was still unable to see, I'd have heard them. They were loud. Finally, I decided time was up as they crossed right next to me in the narrow alley that was along the building's front. I turned straight to them, and looked each and every one of them in the eyes as they froze solid, fear making their bodies start to shake. I laughed as they realized my eyes had been fully functional the whole time.

I decided to play with them some more. I raised my fingers and positioned them as if I were about to snap. I saw them all cringe. Taking two steps forward, they took two steps back.

I looked them each dead in the eye once more as I let out a low growl.

"Why?" I asked menacingly. "Why do you still support Bradley even after you have seen him for the monster he was?"

"You're the monster!" one of them yelled.

I turned to him and raised my hand higher, as if I was about to snap, but let my hand lower again. I had to keep up this act that I would explode them if they decided to speak out.

"I'm the monster?" I said, sounding enraged. "Do you know what he has done?"

By now, more men had come out of the warehouse, and had started in our direction. I turned to face them all. "DO YOU?" I yelled. "Bradley was a homunculus!"

"Liar! Those aren't real! You're just delusional!"

"Oh yeah?" I yelled. "Ask anyone who was actually there that day! They saw him for what he truly was!" I seethed with anger, for real this time. "And even if that's not true, he'd been manipulating the government! He convinced some of the higher-ups that eternal life is possible! They've all been corrupted! All except Grummand! And do you even know the truth behind Ishval?" I asked. I turned to look at them all, but none would meet my eyes. "Well, let me tell you." My voice dropped a bit lower. "The truth is that Bradley decided to make a Philosopher's Stone. Ever heard of one? You know, the same one that healed my eyes? Yeah, that. You know what's used to make a Philosopher's Stone? Go on, guess." They all nodded their heads or looked down a bit. "I'm going to tell you what a Philosopher's Stone is made of. It's made of live human beings." I heard some gasps. "Yeah. Humans. And you know what? We had absolutely zero reason to go to war with Ishval. In fact, it wasn't a war. It was mass murder. Genocide. Because Bradley wanted a Stone. We have multiple doctors that have accounts of being forced to use live Ishvalans to create the Philosopher's Stones. You know how the war started? An Amestrian soldier shot and killed a little Ishvalan girl with absolutely no provocation. Tell me, wouldn't you get angry over something like that?" I saw looks of anger on some faces, and some were shaking their heads. I saw a few actually crying.

"So there you have it. Bradley was using the government. He ordered the mass destruction of a civilization, and yet still you try to fight for his cause, even after he's dead? Give it up. There's nothing you can do. We aren't working for anything immoral or wrong. We're working to repair relations with Ishval, and help them rebuild themselves. We aren't the bad guys here. What do you guys want? What is it you are fighting for?" I had stopped yelling, as many had fallen to their knees, and tears streaked many faces.

I simply walked past them all into the slightly burning warehouse. No one made an effort to stop me as I heard anguished cries from the men. I smirked and continued on. Those who still supported the late fuhrer were not quite populous, so I was about half down. Good.


A/N I have to go, but I wanted to post at least something, so I'll try to update again tonight or tomorrow.

Please comment! And thank you guys so much for sticking with this book! Sorry I don't update often enough... I deeply appreciate those of you who are still reading this!


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