The First Day of a New Life

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A/N: This is my first Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction. It takes place right at the very end of the brotherhood season. Specifically, starting right when Roy and Riza were put in the hospital after the fight. Enjoy! Also, I apologize for this first chapter being so long. They probably won't all be this long unless you want them to be :)


       I'd always been fond of the Colonel, but I forced myself to push my true feelings deep down into the cold maze of my heart, where finding their way out would be tougher than convincing me to go back to the Ishvalan War, if I had the choice. Fraternization laws forbade any such feelings at the time, so I thought it would be best for both of us if I just kept it to myself. Even if the frat laws weren't in place, I could have been content with the status of our relationship as it was. We made a good team, the colonel and I.

        I curse the day it all changed. But...that was the day that was also the start of my new life, better yet worse than before. The end of my life with the Colonel and the beginning of my life with the General as a new person.

        That day was the Promised Day. I was severely injured, as was the colonel. He had lost his eyesight and I had a few cuts here and there, mainly in my neck. I owe my life to Mei, the little girl from Xing who saved me when I was bleeding.

        R-the colonel suggested we be in the same hospital room because so many were injured that day. He also said it was because he wanted to keep an eye on  me, to which I responded that he didn't have an eye to spare. He laughed.

        "Riza, you know what I mean."

        I blushed when he used my first name, glad he couldn't see it. "Yes, sir. You couldn't have one of your subordinates getting into any trouble while you were incapacitated."

        "Riza, you don't need to call me sir when not in a working environment."

        I felt my cheeks get hot again. "I am in a working environment, sir. I'm your bodyguard, I'm supposed to be protecting you." I tried not to get flustered when he chuckled.

        "What is it, sir?"

        "Ah, nothing, Lieutenant. You're released of your duties until further notice. Besides, we've got Ross out there guarding the room anyhow." I smiled.

        "Thank you, Colonel Mustang." I said.

        "Eh, I guess it's better than sir, though I prefer you call me Roy, seeing as that is my name."

        I bit my lip, hoping I wasn't going to mess up and act a bit too informal. I didn't want to offend the colonel, but I needed to follow his orders. Besides, I liked it that he was comfortable to speak to me on a first-name basis outside of work.

        "Thanks, Roy," I said, reaching over and ruffling his hair, which was disheveled enough as it was.

        I stopped suddenly and quickly retreated my hand when I realized what I was doing, and what the repercussions of such a friendly action might entail. "Sorry, sir," I said, seeing the surprise on his face as my heart beated wildly in my chest, hoping he didn't see it as an advance on him.

        I sighed internally hearing him say the words, "No Lieutenant, you don't have to apologize. It was in no way out of line." I began to respond, but he seemed to have more to say. "After all, I-"

        Suddenly, we were interrupted by the door to our room opening with a bang, and in walked Breda, Fuery, and Falman with a few boxes.

        "Mustang! Hawkeye! How you holding up?" Breda smacked him on the back as Falman put his hand on my shoulder. It made me slightly uncomfortable, but I'd been working with him long enough to know he wasn't that type of guy and so I didn't let myself cringe when he squeezed it and asked me, "You feeling any better, Riza?"

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