You Win Some, You Lose Some

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"Mustang. Hawkeye."

I watched the both of them tense as they turned toward me. I stepped through the door frame with urgency.

"Hi-" Hawkeye started.

"There's a situation," I stated, cutting her off. "And there's no time to spare."

"What going on?" Mustang asked.

"Doctor Marcoh, come on in!" I barked through the door behind me.

"I sat down on a chair in their room.

"What's going on?" I repeated back to him, and looked them both in the eye.

"Havoc's gone."

- - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: I've been having some writer's block. Hopefully this chapter will get me somewhere!

I know, I know. Just get on with the story.

Here's the update!


Roy's P.O.V.


I sat there in shock at the news that Fuery just told me.


I was cut off once again by him.

"We believe he was taken by those who still support the previous fuhrer."

I heard Riza utter a curse.

"And how do you know this?" I asked.

"This." I heard the sound of paper.

"Is it a note?"

"Yeah. Here," he said as I heard more rustling, so he must have handed it to Riza.

She began to read it aloud. "Mustang," she read, "we have your little cripple friend. If you want him back, come alone to Warehouse Thirteen so we can negotiate. If you don't save him within twenty-four hours, he'll be but the first to die for his crimes against Fuhrer Bradley."

I clenched my knuckles.

"Fuery," I said, coldly.


"Why did you bring Marcoh with you?" I had a growing suspicion.

"I'm assuming you already know."

I growled. "Yeah. Don't like it but it has to be done."

"Wait," Riza said. "You aren't actually planning on-"

"Yeah. I am. I'm going to fix my eyesight and go alone, as they asked. This is Jean we're talking about."

"You could at least bring m-some backup!" she protested.

"Riza there's no time!" I said sharply. Then, after a deep breath, I said, "Apologies for the outburst, but it's got to be done." I turned to Fuery's general direction. "How long ago do you think he was taken?" I asked.

"We found this note in the room he was in just now, so I'm thinking between two and three hours."

"So we still have over twenty hours left," I heard Marcoh say as he entered the room. "Best get this done, then."

I took a deep breath.

"Let's do this."

I leaned back on my bed.

"This should hurt a bit," Marcoh warned me, "you might want to grab something." I felt a warm hand slip into mine.

"Will this work?" I heard Riza ask.

"Eh. It's fine."

I squeezed her hand lightly, acutely aware of Fuery's presence in the room.

"Ready," I said.

"Here goes," he said as I heard the stones clink against each other in his hand.

I breathed deeply until I felt a soft warmth envelop me. It was calming, and I loosened my grip on Riza's hand as it began to seem to work.


Searing pain in both of my eyes, shooting through my skull. I let out a startled yell as I gasped and clenched my teeth in pain. I tried not to crush Riza's hand as I yelled out, and then began to breathe in short, quick breaths between grunting and shouting in pain.

Just as it felt the worst, I began see...light! The pain started ebbing and I took slower breaths, and I gradually began to see fuzzy silhouettes of objects, which were mostly blocked out by the light glaring into the room.

Eventually, all that was left of the pain was a headache constantly pounding in my forehead. I had begun to see more clearly, and tears came to my eyes as they started to focus on Riza's face-it had been so long...too long since I'd seen her face. She was still holding onto my hand, leaning over me, where Marcoh probably had been, a look of worry on her face, and relief washing over her features as I opened my eyes more.

I exhaled slowly.

I blinked a few times.

I widened my eyes some more and strained to look at Riza's beautiful face through my tears.

It was all I could do not to kiss her then and there, in front of Doctor Marcoh and Fuery.

I was still a little hazed from the sudden experience, and my eyes were hurting from the sudden contraction of my irises. But...I could see. And that was enough.

I shut my eyes tight, feeling dizzy. Through my daze, I heard someone stand up.

"I'll be back in an hour. Get some rest."

With that, I heard two sets of steps leave the room, and the door shut behind them.

Immediately, Riza's hands flew to my cheeks and wiped off my tears. I opened my eyes again, only a little this time, and stared into Riza's eyes.

"Beautiful," I whispered. I leaned up to her and kissed her, not shutting my eyes but keeping them on hers, as she did mine. When she pulled back, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me for a hug. I buried my face in her hair and whispered, "I love you so much."

She pulled back and looked into my eyes with a sad smile.

"I love you, too," she whispered.

"Hey, why so sad?" I asked, softly, holding her face up with my hands.

"You just..." she sighed. "You were in a lot of pain just then. And now you're sacrificing your recovery time to save your comrade. That's you. My brave, selfless Roy."

I smiled and kissed her again, this time closing my eyes and enjoying this for the moment.


A/N: Sorry it was such a short chapter or seemed a little rushed, I'll update again after the weekend! (I'm going on a campout so no computers)

Thanks for being so patient with me!


After Journeys End: A Royai FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now