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I was amazed as I stared at the crystal. How did she even end up in there? I touched it with my hand and I felt electrified immediately. I pulled back immediately wincing at it. "that's so not good. I am not supposed to touch it but I am supposed to revive it. Wow." I said sarcastically.

"Why the heck didn't I ask? I had two chances, we got the voice in my head or the siren but no.... I had to jump right in," I huffed crossing my arms. "Now listen to me talk to myself like some sort of a crazy woman who is not used to being alone. Fucking perfect."

I got a rock and threw it at the crystal and the rock was immediately ash making my eyes widened. I looked around for any reason. Where is the electricity coming from?

I looked around trying to recognize anything. I noticed that the crystal was supporting the cave. I feared that... We would die if the crystal melted but how am I supposed to help her otherwise?

"What are we supposed to do, Daniel?" I asked as I looked around searching for him on instinct. I pouted as I realized that was alone. I took a deep breath and then whispered, "I wish you were here."

As I looked at the ground, I noticed some sort of a drawing. I knelt down to my knees and blew into it removing the dust and sand covering it. It had the shape of a flame.

"What is that?" I asked as I touched it. It started going down like some sort of a bottom. It kept going down and I had no idea what was going on as I tried to bring it up again. I tried everything. I tried pulling it. I tried pressing it again so it would be up but that didn't work.

"What have you done, Leah?" I repeated over and over again. "What the heck have I done?"

The fire surrounded the place and lit it up. I looked around watching out for anything that may hurt me. I saw arrows all were pointing the same direction. I looked down and found another drawing. It seemed like some kind of a message in a bottle. I pressed it as well and then the stone started going up making me take a step back. The drawing divided to two and a bottle showed up.

"Wow," I whispered out loud as I took the bottle in my hand. I opened it and got the paper inside.

"From all the souls in the world,
Only one can read the following words,
From all the souls in the world,
Only one can bring peace upon all,
Only one can dissolve the ice between the parallel worlds,
Only one can free the strongest one of all," I read out loud. As I finished reading my eyes widened as I found a knife coming at me. It was so fast I didn't even have a chance to dodge it as it aimed for my shoulder only scratching it.

I had no idea what was going on. Am I not the one? But if I am not, why did everyone tell me I am? What the heck am I doing here? Why am I not with the love of my life where I actually belong? He probably hates me now. I broke the promise.

I sank to my knees on the ground warping my arms around my legs as I cried.

As I cried, I felt a ray of light sparkle as new world's formed. I looked at my blood and found it coming out golden... My eyes widened as I found that the flames turned exactly the same color as my blood and words were written on the walls of the cave with the exact same color as well.

"Pentru raza de aur din interiorul sufletelor, vă rog să rămâneți pur. Vă rog să mă ajutați să aduc pacea asupra tuturor. Puterea din mine pe care o chem, singura care poate salva lumea din întunericul inimilor, minților și sufletelor," I read barely understanding the words. I had no idea what the meant or if I was even saying them correctly.

I expected something huge to happen like every other step I did, but nothing happened. Nothing happened at all. "Are you kidding me now? What?" I asked.

I took a deep breath and repeated the words again and again everytime changing how I pronounced the letters written. I was going bored. I had no idea if it would even work but I just kept trying.

I repeated around thirty five times. If I was trying to memorize it I would not have repeated it that much and my self-esteem was running low as well.

As I was ready by my forty something time, the whole cave turned golden and I looked around. Finally. I looked at the gold and found it melting slowly but surely making me smile. Finally.

"Yes! Yes yes! I did it. Finally!" I squealed as I jumped in victory. As the gold was melting the cave started shaking.

"Fuck, fuck, no!" I yelled again. "How do I keep this thing in place?" I thought out loud. I the gold started melting quicker and I knew that by the time it's done, the cave would already be gone. I had to do something to bring Kayla out of it before the cave crumbles. I don't wanna die here just yet.

'blow,' a voice in my head called.

"What?" I asked out loud. A figure suddenly appeared in front of me and started blowing. Her mouth showed up yellow flames that was melting the gold in particular areas. Around Kayla. She didn't know around the edges. The edges were the one supporting the cave. I nodded and then took a deep breath. I started blowing expecting something big to happen and for the first time... It did happen.

My eyes widened as I opened them and saw golden flames, not even yellow it was gold. It was pure golden. I started blowing the gold around Kayla's body, head, limbs and more. I was running out of breath but I had to keep going. I had to make it. As soon as it was safe enough to pull her out. I did that. Her body was a little bigger than mine but I managed to carry her up. I took a deep breath and then went back to the water with her going up. This time, I felt like even the water was pulling me up. This time I was sure I was right. I had made it. I survived and Kayla is here as well now.

Translation: To the golden ray within souls, i ask you to stay pure. i ask you to help me bring peace upon all. To the Power in me i call, the only one who can save the world from the darkness of the hearts, minds, and souls.

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